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Laksh came out from the car holding raksha in his arms. She was looking everywhere in excitiment. He smile sadly giving a brief look to surrounding, today he broke his promise ..today he lost infront of his mother love.. today he came back to Mm again where he spend most beautiful and most horrible days of his life..

Five years ago he left india with the promise of never coming back but he never forget his responsibility of a son.. His parents were unaware about his whereabout but he was not.. he knew each everything whatever happening in his parents life.. their happiness, pain, sorrow everything but he was helpless, his parents had each other for support but his ragini had no one other then him and he can't let her hurt because of others. He decided to take her away from all sorrow and pain in their small heaven..

But today when he got information about ap's heart attack, he couldn't stop himself anymore.. its true that ragini is his life but ap is the women who gave him a life, there is not comparison between them, both are equally important for him..

His chain of thought broke by some voice. He turned back, ragini was trying to get down from car. He smile and help her to came out..she looked everywhere with her big scared eyes then her gaze fall on laksh.." why we came here..? when we will go back to our home..?" She asked innocently. Laksh adjust raksha from one arm to another and placed free arm on her shoulders taking her in embrace.." soon baccha..but for now we will meet some new uncle aunties..ok..?" She nodd childishly, he kiss her forehead then lead her toward the door...

Inside Mm all were present in the hall.. ap's face was pale, she was looking too tired. Swara and shamisha were sitting both sides of her trying to encourage her but all goes in vain, nothing effect her.. dp was sitting infront at another sofa with shekhar..tension was clearly visible on his face..they all were unaware about what was happening outside the bungalow...

Suddenly they heared door bell, dp asked kaka to open the door and the face they saw make all of them shock..swara's heartbeat start raising as soon as she saw him. She is looking him after six year. He becomes more handsome and mature in these years. All she wanted to run toward him and hug him tightly and cry wholeheartly for their six years separation on her laksh's shoulder. When her gaze fall on the two figures besides him, whom he was holding like they are precious diamonds, then she realised he is no more her laksh now he is ragini's laksh...shamishta looks scared ragini with enviously thinking that if destiny had not played with them, it could have been swara with laksh instead of ragini and her daughter..

Laksh made raksha stand on her feet.. ap shout " laksh.." run to him and hug him tightly crying loudly..ragini took a step back in a fear because of her suddent action.. ragini stare them with widen eyes while raksha smiling, its not like she was understanding anything but she was a crazy fan of indian dramas and it was looking same as some drama scene and she was enjoying that..dp also come closer. He was not understanding how to express his happiness suddenly ap felt a quick push, she look shockingly to ragini who was now hugging him and staring her with pout.

" ragini..." ap said in slow voice.." ragini...what is this baccha..?" Laksh asked broking their hug.. " who is she and why she was hugging you..?" She asked in her innocent anger making him smile..he cupped her face.. " baccha she is my mom just like you are raksha's mom.." " your mom..?" She asked, " yes, my mom.." He confirmed. " then who is my mom.." suddenly she asked looking everyone one by one..lakshs eyes filled with pain. Ap smile faintly.." i am your mom too beta.." she said caressing her hairs.." will you give me chocolates...?" she asked excitimently while ap nodd..ragini giggle happily and hugg her tightly..." my mom is best.." she said happily while others laugh..

"Hi laksh.." swara said nervously.." hi swara, how are you..?" He answered normaly without any special emotions..when ragini hold his arm, " laksh lets go inside.." she said smiling.." sure baccha.." he said looking her lovingly and pick raksha in his arms and came inside..swara become shock to see laksh ignoring her, his love for ragini was clearly visible in his eye which was not hidden by swara. She was always used to get pampered by him. Ignoring was the last thing which she think laksh could do with her and today that happened too. She realised she don't have even a tiny chance to get laksh back, she lost her place in his heart without even any mistake, thats hurt her like hell, but she choose be brave and act like nothing happened. Wiping her tears secretly she follows them inside..

After some days laksh decided to took ragini and raksha for shopping..they reach to mall, laksh took both of them inside the mall..he was holding both of their hands and they were looking everywhere in excitiment..suddenly raksha saw teddy bear shop, she run toward there leaving his hand, " raksha.." laksh shout but she run away, he got tensed, he turned back to ragini and made her sit on chair," baccha, don't go anywhere..i will be back soon..ok?" He asked, she nodd kidishly with smile. " thank you.." he kiss on her forehead and run behind raksha..

Ragini was looking here and there childishly biting her nails when her gaze fall on a joker who was playing drama there..she got excited and forget what laksh told her and go toward joker..soon joker left from there and ragini kept following him in excitiment but soon she realised she was alone and searched for laksh but he was nowhere, she got panic and start crying loudly looking everywhere feardly.." laksh...laksh.." she was whispiring his name like mantra. She was scared to talk to anyone. She went toward stairs and tried to go down but suddenly she loss her balance and about to fall down when someone hold her...

Laskh came out from the shop with raksha and got shock not to found ragini. He pick raksha in his arms and start searching for ragini. He was getting more and more tensed with every passing second. After some searching he found ragini sitting on a bench eating chocolates and talking with one women whose back was infront of laksh. " ragini.." laksh shout.." laksh.." ragini run toward him and hug him tightly, " where did you went..do you have any idea how much scared was i.." she complain in sobb.."  i am sorry baccha.. i will never ever leave you even for a second.." laksh said in emotionaly..tears start rolling down his cheeks. Ragini broke the hug and wipe his tear innocently.." don't cry laksh.. you know what now i have two moms.." she said happily. Laksh got confused, " what..?" He asked.." haa laksh, when i was about to fell down, she saved me and told me she is my mother and you know what she gave me two chocolates.." she said kidishly, " where is she..?" He asked she point at back but no one was there, " hooww..where is she..?" Ragini asked tapping her cheeks with fingures.. laksh look here and there and saw a women going on opposite side. He smile seeing her disappearing figure and think..

' You are right baccha, you have two mother, till today i was worried for you safety, but now i am sure even if ever i fails to save you your mother will be there for you she may be never come infront of us but she will never fail to save you...'

"Laksh..laksh..what are you looking.." ragini asked childishly blinking her eyes. Laksh shook his head and kiss on her forehead, " nothing baccha. Lets go back home.." she nodd with innocent smile . he hold her hand and raksha in other hands and left from there to their own small heaven...


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