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        Snipping the thorns off the roses, (Y/n) was enjoying her day out in the garden. The sun was high, the sky was blue, and no ta single could in the sky. Well, that what it was like, 10 minutes ago. It's pouring rain at the moment, along with thunder and lighting, they sky a dark shade of grey.

        "Sorry about not being able to do anything today out in the garden." Momo apologized to (Y/n). "We thought there wouldn't be any weather like this, but apparently the storm came in this direction much sooner than some people had expected."

        "It's alright. I just hope the flowers will be alright. The daisy's and Pansy's were just freshly planted. They haven't had enough time to get their roots fully into the ground." (Y/n) stared out the window, a saucer in hand, and a warm cup of tea in her other hand.

        "You know how long it takes for a flower to set it's roots?" Momo asked, a little shocked to see how the other women knew so much information on just a few fowers.

        "Of course I do." (Y/n) smiled.

        A knock at the door came, which as barely audible due to all of the thunder and rain. Momo quickly walked to the door, only to be greeted with a messenger.

        "I have a letter for (Y/n) Aizawa." She said, wearing a rain coat over her body, and a leather messanger back on her shoulder.

        "I'll give it to her." Momo said, taking the letter, and giving the women a small tip for delivering the mail in the rain. "It's a letter for you."

        (Y/n) walked over to Momo, and took the letter. The wet paper didn't help much, but she was able to read part of what it was saying. She noticed her name was written, with her father's handwriting. She opened it, reading what he had to say.

Dear (Y/n),

Hello my dearest daughter. I have successfully transferred my position as a teacher, to U.A. University. I noticed that one of the courses will be teaching about plant life, and which ones that will be used to treat wounds, and burns, along with which ones are poisonous and which ones are safe. I request that you come help me when that course starts.

I hope you are doing well with everything, and that your master hasn't been treating you poorly. I hope to see you in a couple of months.

Your father,

Shoto Aizawa

P.S. I love you

        Smiling down at the letter, (Y/n) folded it back into place. "Momo, can you get me some paper and some ink?"

        "Of course." Momo smiled, and ran off to fetch the paper, quill, and ink.

        It's been about 2 months since (Y/n) had gotten the letter form her father, informing her about him teaching students about plants. She's spent a lot of time in the gardens, and doing some other things to help around the house.

        "(Y/n). You must get ready. Your father is expecting you today." Momo woke up the other female.

        "I forgot going to school meant you have to wake up early...." (Y/n) groaned, rolling out of bed, and landing on the floor.

        Momo simply giggles, and brought the girl her usual working uniform, since she'll be working with plants anyways, there was no need for any formal attire since she'll be teaching what she loves. "Now you should get downstairs and eat something."

        And she did just that. Throwing the covers off her body, and changing into her normal work uniform. Putting on some socks, after she put on her normal attire, and rushed downstairs.

        "There's no need to rush (Y/n)-chan." Izuku said, serving the girl some breakfast in the staff room in the kitchen. "You have plenty of time."

        "Though, if we could get the young master to wake up, that would be great." Iida sighed, pushing his glasses up, and taking a sip from his coffee. "He doesn't like waking up for University. Always complains."

        "Do you want me to try waking him up?" (Y/n) asked, taking a bite of her toast and a sip of (favorite breakfast drink).

        "You would do that?!" Iida asked, getting on his knees and grabbed the girls shoulders, looking at her like she was a god.

        The girl sighed, regretting she offered. "Yes. I can try waking him up."

        The entire staff was on edge, as they watched (Y/n) walk up the sitars, making her way to young masters bedroom. Knocking on the door, the girl spoke; "Young master. It's time to wake up. You have to attend university today."

        Just as the rest of the staff thought, there was no response. Waiting for a good 10 seconds, (Y/n) gently opened he door, and saw Katsuki still asleep in his bed.

         "What should I do now?" (Y/n) whisper yelled to the other staff, looking at them for help.

         "Go wake him up!" Izuku whispered back, hiding behind Momo and Iida.

        That was what the (h/c) haired girl had feared. She stepped inside the room, and admired it a little. A king sized bed, a walk in closet, a large mirror, along with a large desk. She was a little jealous.

        She quietly made her way over to the sleeping man, and shook him gently. "Young master. Please get up. You have to attend university."

         Katsuki gracked his eyes open, but shut them after seeing who it was. "I don't care about university."

         (Y/n) sighed. "I'm gonna get fired...." she numbered, before pulling the covers off the man, and pulled him out of bed.

        Katsuki slammed on the floor head first, and his body followed. He stood up, glaring at the younger women. "What the fuck was that for?!"

        "You wouldn't get up. So I had to make you get up." (Y/n) tried to keep her confident composire, but that wasn't running very smoothly.

         "Why the fuck would you use this method!" Katsuki yelled even louder this time. But he did get out of his bed, and was getting changed.

         "Would you rather feel like you're drowning?" (Y/n) asked, referring to dunking water on his head.

         Katsuki groaned. "No.."

        "Now please get changed and come down for breakfast." The girl instructed, before walking out of the room, slamming the door closed from behind.

          Once she stepped out, she let out all the pent up nerves. "Oh god! I thought I was going to die!"

         The other three just laughed.

        Katsuki sat in his classroom, waiting for Aizawa to get on with the plant lesson.

        "Now then. I will not be teaching about plants. I leave that to my daughter." Aizawa groaned, tired.

         (Y/n) came into the room, smiling. "Hello! I'm (Y/n) Aizawa!"

         Katsuki stood from his chair, anger in him once again. "You're the damn teacher's daughter?!"

        The father and daughter looked at one another, before looking at him. "Yep."

❧〘Ma Marguerite〙❧ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now