Chapter 10

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Klaus dodged as you swung. He countered, but you batted it away, countering with a left hook. He was still in his defensive right arm stance. It was hard to focus since he was in shorts and an A-shirt. Even if you were wearing the same thing, it's a attractive sight with that chiselled mass of muscle. You feinted with your left and counterstruck his retaliation with an uppercut.

Klaus jumped back before coming in. His stance swapped and you quickly flowed around the punch as fast as you could. He reacted fast, his stance switching once again into his defensive, fast, right arm. This man was a master switch hitter. Alternating in the blink of an eye. The training session kept going for an hour before you signaled him for some break time

"Halloween is tomorrow by the way." Klaus stated, "Don't forget your costume, we have this office party every year."

"Mhm" You hummed as you gave him a nod. You then sat down and grabbed a water bottle.

"You're left handed, right?" You asked, "I know your strongest arm in boxing is the left side. Your knuckle is also on your left arm."

Klaus perked up, and nodded, "I am ambidextrous of course... but I was left handed as a kid. It is still my strongest arm."

You nodded. It's been 3 days since the Second Collapse. Klaus is a lovely man, and spending time with him has had its own sets of challenges. He is very clingy, but you really don't mind. He's also a sleep hugger, which is kinda cute as you thought of it

"So what are you going to be tomorrow?" You asked.

"Secret." He made that small smile he likes to use on Zapp or Steven. It was his mischievous tell.

"Fine, don't tell me. I'll just have to one-up you." You started stretching out your arms, winding down from all the boxing that you just did.

"I accept your challenge."


You and the others just hang out at the HQ like usual, Klaus was watering his plants, Steven stood near the desks, sipping on his coffee, and you just sat on the couch and enjoyed your tea

The door opened, and everyone turned to Leo, holding Pizza and dressed in his delivery boy uniform. "Zapp, you actually have to pay this time." Leo said, setting the three pizza boxes on the coffee table, holding his hand out to the prone man, "If not I'll have to ask Chain to persuade you."

The man caved and pulled out his wallet. He held up the money and Leo disappeared into the elevator with it faster than Zapp could even think to swindle him. Everyone milled to the pizza as Gilbert went to grab the plates from the other room.

"Please!" Zapp cried, "At least leave me a good amount of slices!"

Zapp was crying in a corner with a single slice of pizza. Chain had stolen his share, as usual, "Stupid She-Devil... I'll make you pay one day."

"You can try, and you will fail." Chain chomped a slice in his direction, making him cry even more. Everyone else was ignoring Chain's bullying. Zapp did deserve it though, He was just a disgusting person with a few good moments. You took a bite of the pizza as your mind wandered right back to what happened before

"What's wrong?" You looked up to Klaus who was now sat on the couch. He must have noticed you in thought.

"Just thinking. We have gone through a lot of thing, the E-den situation, the encounter with the Blood Breeds, now is The King of Despair with the Second Collapse. I just thought that I was lucky to be one of you that's all"

"So that's what's on your mind. This war is not new, and we will see this through. One way or another." The man was such a softie, it was nice to have someone who just listens. You noticed everything was quiet. Everyone had already milled out.

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