Ch 2 : A FOX CUB

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In the middle of the night, a white light appeared at a relatively hidden corner on a mountain.

On this mountain lived hundreds of thousands of spirit beasts but not a single spirit beast dared to get near the place where the white light just appeared as if they feared something.

At the peak of the mountain was a cave that was emanating a hot air from inside it and the white light that just appeared was also coming from it, when the hot air touched the rocks around cave they all melted leaving behind only dust.

Then from the cave came sounds of footsteps. They're slow but steady and resounded in the middle of the silent night. The sound was nearer and nearer until a figure of a man came out of the cave.

A tall man wearing a black robe came out of the cave. The light of the moon shone on his face and revealed his astonishing features. He has a godlike face that can make any woman go crazy for him with only a glance. His skin was pale, not that of a sick person but one that could make any woman jealous.

He has a pair of phoenix eyes that are as cold as ice, so thick that you can only see nothing but darkness through it. His lips are slightly full, the kind that ends in a charming and devilish smirk at the corners. His long hair, that is as black as ink, is tied up in a knot with a jade hairpin that shined beautifully under the moonlight.

His solid body stood there firmly giving the feeling of an unwavering mountain. His back was straight with a hand behind his body while the other one is in front of his belly.

"Now that I successfully broke through, I'll have to go back." The man spoke with a low and charming voice.

He went down the mountain and was about to go away when suddenly he felt like something was tearing apart the space at another peak not too far away.

Teleportation? There still exists someone with enough strength to be able to teleport in this Xia Continent*?

*Xia Continent → 下(lower)大陆(continent)

He was about to go there to see what was happening but then he felt someone approaching him at a fast speed, so he stopped in his tracks.

When the person finally saw the familiar figure that he was looking for standing just before him, he kneeled before him and then spoke with respect and also a hint of hurry: "Master, the spirit beasts from the Beast Forest* started attacking the Xia Continent."

*Beast Forest 魔兽(magic beast)森林(forest)

The man frowned after hearing this, he looked for a moment at a certain direction and sighed. He could feel that something was attracting him and telling him to go there, but he couldn't do it now.

The kneeling man looked up at his master to see his reaction but he saw that he was looking somewhere else so he followed his line of sight, but he didn't see anything.

"Go to that direction and then report to me if you find anything strange." The man said and just as his voice fell, his figure also disappeared.

Immediate Transfer?! Master broke through! Now that master broke through, those people from the Shang Continent* will no longer be a danger for master. But...

*Shang Continent (upper)大陆(continent)

After he came to himself, he pondered about his master's reaction. What was Master looking at? Is there something in this Continent that could pique Master's interest?

When nobody was there anymore a voice resounded in the middle of the night.

"Hehehehe, what an interesting brat (referring to the master) to have such strength at such a young age. But that teleportation from before was strange, probably it was someone that was teleported from the Upper World* or even above. Hehe, I'm really curious at who was it, I should hurry if I don't want it to be taken away by that little brat (the subordinate)."

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