Ch 3 : OLD MAN

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"Oh? You're awake?" A voice suddenly came from the entrance of the room.

Ming Yue abruptly turned her head towards the origin of the voice saw an old man that just appeared in the room soundlessly.

When did he come in? How did he do it without me noticing?

Ming Yue was extremely shocked because even if she was lazy, her senses never failed, nobody could come near her without her noticing, but this old man just did it.

Seeing her reaction changing from surprise to alert, he raised an eyebrow curiously.

Even if mystical beasts had a consciousness and could speak right after they were born, they should at least have the mentality of a ten-year-old child and not like this little thing before him. Through her eyes, she seemed to have undergone many dangers to have grown so vigilant.

The old man thought while scrutinizing her up and down, the more he looked at her the more he liked her.

As the old man was eying her, she was also observing him.

A little old man with long white hair tied up in a knot, white mustache, and beard that almost touched the ground. A grin was spreading on his face seemingly satisfied while his right hand lightly stroked his long beard.

When Ming Yue was looking at him, she noticed that not only was she in an unknown environment, the old man was also wearing strange clothes that are like the robes worn in ancient times.

Now that she looked clearly, the strange room she was in looked also like the ones she often saw in historical dramas and films.

Just what happened? Where is she?

Seeing her confused expression, the old man started explaining: "I found you in a mountain, you were sleeping and surrounded by spirit beasts, so I saved you. It seemed that you were teleported here and from your size, I think that you were just born."

Spirit beasts? Teleported? And what does he mean by just born?!

Ming You only then noticed that something was off. All around her seemed bigger and she felt small. She tried to examine her body but was stunned senseless by what she saw.

It was a little fox's paw with snow-white fur and then she saw her body, covered by the same white fur and other three paws.

Seeing her reaction, the old man was a little confused but then he continued introducing himself: "My name is Wang Lei and from now onwards I'll be your Master. "

Hearing the old man's voice, Ming Yue finally woke up from her daze and directed her gaze again towards him and replied bluntly: "No, thanks. I refuse."

The voice that came out was that of a little baby and stunned all of them.

Ming Yue couldn't believe that was really her voice and the old man was astonished by her reply.

"What?! Ah!" The old man jumped from shock and when he was trying to clench his fists, he accidentally pulled away some of his beards and he shouted in pain.

Seeing the clumsy behavior of the old man, Ming Yue slightly grinned as she forgot all about her fox body.

After recovering from the pain and sadness for his dear beard, the old man remarked: "Why did you refuse? I'm one the strongest human even in the Upper Realm with me as your master in the future you might even be stronger than me, standing at the pinnacle, becoming the strongest!"

If Ming Yue said that his words didn't move her then she would be lying, but only words weren't enough to let her accept.

"Then show me your strength."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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