I Like Builden Them Pooters

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quick authors note/ this chapter has nothing to do with the relation ship this takes place 2 years later.

~~~~~2 years later~~~~~

arcanes pov

ok, so running a business called i'll build u that pooter is a lot harder than expected. i thought i would get like maybe 2 or 3 consumers a month, but i got like 13 a month. its hectic, i don't like to be put in such pressure. i needed help. i needed my squirrel.

so the past 2 years squirrel was locked up in a mental asylum. i went to visit him every week, but now i only visit 1once a month. he got out today. I'm suppose to pick him up from the buss station. to be honest im kinda scared. i hope hes not obsessed like last time.

just to make sure imma pray to my loard and savior godzilla_lover123 again for guidance. " oh plz plz godzilla my loard plz give me the strength to build 13 pooter in 3 months max plz"  oh did u think iwas gonna pray for help with squirrel phsst we have a special bond now, hes alot better now i promise.

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