Meeting Marcus (Part one)

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An imagine of how you meet Marcus. This is how you created a friendship with him.

You arrived at King's Dominion a month before Marcus. At first you were skeptical of him because of his reputation but later on found out that he didn't kill those children. You  became friends with him but after like a week, he just started avoiding you.

You found out when you walked out onto the roof where Petra, Lex, Billy and Marcus were. As soon as you walked in you saw Marcus say something to Billy and Billy alone and he just walked out. Not even looking your way. You walked over to Billy. "Hey Billy?" You asked.


"Why is Marcus ignoring me?"

He just looked at you "I don't know what your talking about" you could tell he wanted to tell you something but you didn't push on.

And it went on like that. Every day he would just avoid you like some parasite that could infected anyone who even looks at it. Or as if you didn't even exist.

Later on, at Shabnam's party, You passed by a door and heard hushed voices you got closer being the curious little cat you are you got closer to where the voices were coming from.

"You're drunk" a voice said. Marcus.

"What are you gonna do about it" Saya.

You can tell they were going to kiss so you walked away with tears in your eyes. You were attracted to him for some reason. You don't normally don't fall for guys easily but with him...

You walked out of the party not wanting to talk to anyone. Marcus saw you walking off from the porch while talking to Willie. You went to go do what you always did when you were down. 'Paint'.

When you got to your room you locked the door and went into the bathroom. You had a secret compartment under the sink where you kept one used bade and 3 other untouched ones.

It's late I know and I'm sorry sorry Wattpad got blocked in my computer so I want able to work on it during school and o got grounded so I could continue on my phone. I promise I will find another way to continue.

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