Meeting Marcus (Part 2)

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Here's part 2 for y'all

You grabbed the used one and inspected it. It seemed rusty and you frankly didn't want to infect your cuts. You threw away the razor and grabbed a new one. From past experience, you turned on the shower that way no one would come in and disturb you.

You rolled up your sleeve and placed the blade on your left arm a little bit above the wrist and started "painting". You were used to the pain but tears still managed to spill out from your eyes.

While you were cutting you heard a knock on your door. Quickly you put the blade back in it's place under the sink. You cleaned up the blood from your wrists and rolled down your sleeve. You turned off the showerhead and made sure you cleaned up any blood that may have fallen onto the ground.

Cautiously, you opened the door a little bit as to hide your arms and saw Marcus standing there, looking worried?

"Uh hi. Marcus. Why are you here? Why aren't you at the party? It shouldn't be over so soon." You rambled nervously wanting him to leave. As much as you loved him, you didn't want pity for your pain.

"I saw you leave Shabnam's party and I wanted to check on you." he said scanning you as if he knew what you were doing.

"I just wanted to leave early.  It got really boring after...I just used up all of my" you tried to lie smoothly but you can tell you failed miserably.

He rose an eyebrow and scanned your body and then just stared into your (E/C) eyes. You looked away nervously wanting to just curl up and die.

"Well I'm getting really tired" you let out a fake yawn "And you should go to the party and drink some more."

You tried to close the door but Marcus stuck his foot to stop you from closing the door.


"No Marcus I'm really tired and you should go back to Saya or whoever you're hooking up with"

You tried to push the door closed but Marcus was stronger than you so he managed to get inside your room. 

You started panicking. "Marcus you need to leave. I have to shower and-"

You got cut off by Marcus. He was currently sitting on your bed looking at you. His expression is a mix of concern, worry, and anger? No maybe it was just curiosity.

"Sit down" he sternly said. You obeyed.

"Give me your arm"

"What?! No! Why?!"

Before you could react Marcus grabbed both your shoulders and forced you to lay on your back.  Then he sat onto of you so you wouldn't run off and grabbed your arms. He rolled up your right wrist to see 2 cuts and one that was not finished.

His eyes widened and he quickly rolled up your left sleeve to reveal 5 more cuts and a lot of scars.

You found strength from who knows where and you pushed him off. By now you had tears running down your face along with a bit of mascara.


"No.  Not until you tell me why"


You took several deep breaths to calm yourself because then you would pass out.

"Just leave Marcus"

He didn't say anything. He seemed to be thinking. After a couple of seconds he got up and walked towards you. You were going to say something but something was on your lips.

It was soft and warm and it tasted like weed and alcohol. When you realized it was Marcus kissing you you kissed back.

After a while you pulled away because of lack of air.

"I'm guessing I don't have to ask anymore but would you be my girlfriend?" Marcus asked you.

You laughed and kissed him again.

"Did that answer your question?"

Shitty ending I know but I had to complete this as fast as I could because I got grounded and I haven't updated in a while.

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