Baleb<3// Skype cuteness

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So me and Brooke had the cutest moment ever lol i had to share it!!! so yeahhh

Me- Muffin guess what?

Her- What oreo?

me- I love cupcakes

Her- Do you love me or cupcakes more?

me- You, b/c i love my muffins more than cupcakes

Her- aww oreo!

Me- aww Muffins!

her - Oreo I am cold!

Me- well then *wraps arms around her wasit and holds her* better?

 her- Much better! -strike of thunder in her background- 

me- Dangg dat thunder doe!!

her *whimpers* Baee i am scared!

me- shh its okay *strokes hair*

her- *slowly difts sleep*

Me *wraps blanket around her*

her- Bae stay.


Brooke and Kaleb // Skype cutenessWhere stories live. Discover now