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I lay against the cold brick wall. My fingers pick at the chipped white paint. I need to get out. I need to get out of this room. I lean my head against the wall, positioning my eyes to face the blank white ceiling. I let out a long hefty sigh. One of the officers walks into my field of vision.
      "Goodnight Pierce" a deep, grumbly voice says.
I lift my hand up from my side. I lift my middle finger and flip him off, still keeping my eyes fixated on the plaster that covered the ceiling. He lets out a low chuckle and locked the jail's main entrance door.
I get up from my sad excuse for a mattress and  walk over to the steel bars across the cell. I wrap my left hand around one of the freezing cold bars. I lean my head forward and check both sides of the hallway. I make sure there aren't any officers near.
I suddenly hear a southern males voice, "Oh look, lil' miss rebel decided to get off 'er lazy ass."
I stare straight ahead. My eyes meet the dirty bum's.
"Oh I see that triple chin is really shaping up nicely" I say derisively in reply.
He sat in the corner of his cell. The look of dumbfound was slapped across his stupid unkempt face. I let out a little chuckles before turning around and going back to my "bed". I slip my hand under the mattress. I feel around until I finally find it.
I take it out from under the dirty mattress. My tiny iPod. I've had it since 6th grade. I remember when my dad gave it to me. He told me 'you use this whenever you miss me, that way you'll always have a piece of me'.
He used to listen to it whenever we would ride the bus around town. I would always ask to listen with him, and he would always take one of the earbuds out from his ear and hand it to me.
My vision became blurry. I rub my arm across my eyes to rid them of the oncoming tears. I look down at the iPod. A small smirk laid on my pale face. God I miss him.

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