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"I never even loved you"
The door slammed in my face. I stood there dumbfounded. I wanted to run. I wanted to scream. I wanted to do anything, but my body was frozen. Tears fell down my face onto the concrete. The letter I slaved over for days fell from my trembling hands. It instantly became soaked from the heavy rain.
I finally was able to move my body. I ran to my car and slammed the door shut. I twisted the key as fast as I could. I pushed my foot aggressively on the gas pedal. I drove with no ideal destination. I just had to get far away.
As I drove I punched at the steering wheel. I screamed out all of the grief I could, but it wasn't easing any of my pain. My brain was so frantic. Then all the red flags came to my mind.
Every time I wanted on his phone he would snatch it away instantly. He had all of my passwords for everything, and yet I couldn't even hold his phone. Him constantly using all of my insecurities against me. All the times he would beat me to point I bled. When he would yell at me for doing the littlest wrong thing.
Or the worst time. When I saw him and Natalia Carter at a restaurant when we were supposed be on a date together. We had been planning a date for a month and a half and he bailed out last minute.
I had taken an hour to get ready for that date, just to receive the text, "Sorry babe, something came up". How was I so blind. He was cheating on me the whole time. Im so fucking stupid.
I suddenly hear a car horn in my ears. I look up from the steering wheel and saw headlights. I curved the wheel as far left as I could, but I was too late. I screamed from the agonizing pain. Then suddenly everything went quiet and black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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