C H A P T E R 2 8

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y – E I G H T
Last Chances

"What's going on?" was Dave's initial question.

Twenty minutes later, Arianna and I found ourselves outside Dave Gavinsky's front door where he had barricaded himself in for the past few days since he had been wrongly arrested, accused of triple murder and triple abduction, before being rightfully released. Luckily there was no mob outside the police station, tantalised with the anticipation of Dave's release. Everyone was safely inside their home or workplace. People were afraid to roam the streets of West Creek now, especially alone.

"We wanted to talk to you, if that's okay," Arianna spoke softly, utilising the tone of her voice in an indirect way to coax Dave into inviting us inside his house.

Dave contemplated Arianna's words for a moment before his gaze shifted over to me. There was a silent understanding that passed between us for a beat that Arianna respectfully ignored. Our gaze confirmed that despite what had happened between us in the past, I was supporting Dave now, and we would shut it all behind us. And then he agreed, shuffling backwards to allow us entry into his house.

He navigated us into his lounge where the drapes were drawn and the room was dimmed. There was not another sound emanating from anywhere in the house, so I had to ask, "Where are your parents?"

"Work. They fluctuate between focusing on alternative means like work or cooping themselves up inside the house," Dave answered tonelessly, though I could tell he was disguising some part of the truth, but it wasn't applicable to us, so I didn't bother to query the lie. Turns out, his parents were also consulting consistently with the police for updates on the case that was tied with Dave now, and with a lawyer. "Sit," Dave instructed, gesturing at the sofa.

Arianna and I sat next to one another whilst Dave opted for a separate sofa. He angled his body to face ours, and when our gaze connected again, I distinctly witnessed the fatigue he must have been experiencing. His eyes were lined with dark purple crescents and his skin was pale. He must be experiencing a sleep deficiency, because I don't know how the fuck I'd be able to sleep if the knowledge that half the town – if not the entire town almost – wanted me locked up behind bars for crimes I did not commit. And then to throw away the key.

"How have you been?" Arianna asked, using the same tone as before when Dave was nonplussed to find us stood on his doorstep.

His gaze shifted so sharply towards Arianna that I felt her physically recoil, and when realisation hit Dave, his cheeks reddened. "Sorry," he apologised, his flush still distinct upon his pale cheeks. "It's so easy to be a dick." He rubbed his forehead vehemently, leaving behind a red patch from the vehement force he exerted. "I've been okay. It's... hard. I didn't know Delia, and I knew Isla through Olympia, and Olympia's... gone. I can't imagine the world without Olympia: she's been my rock since freshman year."

Olympia and I shared mutual feelings for one another of palpable hatred, but when she was clutching at my shoulders, begging for her freedom, everything was in the past. Forgotten. And as I blinked the image of Olympia riddled with fear away, I was overcome with the familiarity of that situation; Dave and I were on speaking terms with one another. Everything was in the past.

It puts things into perspective for you when it has to take three abductions and three murders for you to put all high school drama behind you and move on. That's utter bullshit. We left high school almost two months ago. Everything should have stayed there the second we walked out of the building for the last time.

"Had she said anything weird to you over the past couple of weeks?" I asked.

He glanced at the carpet as the cogs were whirling inside his brain. "She hasn't really said anything, honestly. When it was first known that Isla was missing, Olympia was straight here and we hooked up – trying to take her mind off things. That was always how we worked. I don't want to spread gory details and taint her memory, but we worked together."

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