C H A P T E R 3 0

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C H A P T E R  T H I R T Y
Dave Gavinsky's Story

This is where I confess what happened with Dave.

Bet you've all been waiting for it, haven't you?

You remember when I said I believed that Dave would never hurt Olympia and he was undeniably innocent in the murder and abduction cases? I said I'm calling it "experience", but this is the experience I was talking about.

And let's not forget that even Mr Havens believed he was innocent, despite the arrest.

Background details: Olympia, Arianna and I had all disbanded as best friends. It was now just Arianna and I and Olympia was surrounding herself with Isla Isaac. This was also before Stephenson and I began dating. I think I forgot to mention that to you back in Olympia's story. The argument with Olympia was fresh with Arianna and I, which I think is why I didn't share to her that Dave was beginning to speak to me in history class.

Remember I said that Dave was Olympia's source? Well, they were talking whilst we were all best friends and now she was growing closer to him, but I neglected that titbit of information as I thought Dave was just being friendly with me considering he would have heard about the dispute with Olympia. Perhaps he felt sympathetic for me after Olympia's harsh comments and he was on my side. But Arianna never mentioned Dave's name to me, which now I realise was suspicious, but I was overlooking it at the time. I wanted Dave to feel sorry for me. I wanted him on my side. I was selfish like that. I was so incredibly naïve, but aren't we all at that age? So much of the world to discover.

"Remember he fell asleep last time he made us watch a documentary?" Dave muttered in a random history class, leaning in close to my desk and gestured with his pen to our teacher who had his feet propped up on the table and was leaning his chair back against the wall. His eyes were shut and there were soft snores emanating from him, though the documentary wasn't even five minutes in yet.

"He didn't even wake up for the bell," I replied, allowing a smile to curve at my lips. This was the initial interaction between Dave and I, only roughly a week after the argument with Olympia.

"Rumour has it that he never woke up until the janitor was checking every classroom that evening."

"Jesus, surely not?" I asked incredulously.

Dave raised his eyebrows comically, and still to this day I was unsure whether he was joking with me or actually rehashing the rumour as he knew it to be true. Frankly, I don't suppose it matters too much in the grand scheme of thing.

Our conversations over the next few weeks followed a similar pattern. We only ever exchanged words during history class, but then at the end of class one time, he asked for my number. Shocked, I wordlessly held out my hand for his phone so I could input my number. Upon doing so, he watched with a smirk before I handed it back to him.

"I'll call you tonight," he promised.

And he did.

And the following night.

And the night after that.

Even Friday night. Even Saturday night. He called every fucking night just to talk to me.

I bet you can predict how this is going to go, can't you?

Like I said: I was fucking naïve.

And before I continue, let me just announce that by this point, him and Olympia were not publicly hooking up. Trust me, I wouldn't be allowing myself to become attached to Dave if I was aware of that. All I knew was that Dave was some sort of source for Olympia.

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