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As long as I can remember I've always had two questions. I've always wondered what it would feel like to have something worth fighting for. And I've longed to be part of something bigger that would do the world some good. After all these years I think I finally found it: the thing and the purpose. Ironic, isn't it? That I find them just at the time the whole world is falling apart.

When I look around me I see just why I'm so convinced I found my purpose: I see teenagers protecting their home, their friends, family and everything they hold dear in this magical universe. I see teachers hurrying over to fight off those threatening their pupils. I see parents, siblings, grandparents and even distant relatives transcending the powers they ever thought they had to protect those they hold dear. I see all those and many more just doing what is right, defending what is ours for the generations that might follow.

And then I see her, the thing worth fighting for. There she stands: fierce, loyal, underestimated, smart and breathtakingly beautiful. And just like that it all falls apart. I see a stream of light hitting her chest. I see her falling down. I scream, but I'm not sure if any sound comes out. I fight off whoever I'm fighting and I run over. And just before I reach her I feel a burning sensation and it gets dark. I fall down and I'm glad I'm falling along with the world around me.

For there can be no sun for me tomorrow as she fell under this moon. 

This is not the real beginning of this story. There will be a lead-up to this moment. 

Fallen in graceWhere stories live. Discover now