second year

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Once second year begun a few things became clear.

Harry Potter was still the celebrity of the school, he even had a little stalker and fan these days who followed him everywhere, capturing his every move with a camera. He still managed to attract an annoying amount of attention to himself, he managed to miss the train the first day of school and decided to fly to school in a flying car from Weasley's dad.

This luckily had one positive outcome, Weasley managed to break his wand during their flying adventure which resulted in him failing miserably in simple spells and transfigurations. This resulted in a lot of fun for me when he once again was the only one in class, besides Longbottom who almost always failed, to not succeed in simple spells.

Weasley received a howler from his mom after his adventure with the flying car. Apparently his dad go in trouble at the ministry because of it which also resulted in a fun morning for me.

Granger was still an annoying know-it-all. I was however less annoyed by this for I had this small fear she might die soon and I would feel guilty because I could have prevented that from happening. I had to find a way to sneak the information to Potter before that might happen.

The professors still loved Potter, even the new guy, Lockhart. He, however, seemed also a little distressed over the fact that he wasn't the only 'celebrity' in school since he had to share that title here with the famous Harry Potter.

Lockhart was by far the worst teacher ever, he didn't seem to know what he was talking about and made a real fool of himself during each lesson. His classes mostly existed of him talking about his many great adventures we should believe he had accomplished. It was clear to me that not many people actually believed him, only some girls seemed to buy his bullshit.

There wasn't a single guy in our year and probably not in the entire school who seemed glad to have him as a teacher. It was clear that Dumbledore just couldn't find someone to fill the defence against the dark arts post. Which wasn't a surprise after what happened last year between Quirrell and Potter.

One thing good though came for me this year. I managed to get in the Slytherin quidditch team. Even though I had some help from my dad who bought new brooms for the whole team I still was the best player during try outs. I hoped I would beat Potter this year in the quidditch cup this year, it would do him some good to loose to us Slytherins this year.

My happiness was short lived. Once the first message appeared about the chamber of secrets appeared on the walls I knew I had to find a way to stop the attacks. Luckily this time there wasn't anyone killed. The only victim was mrs Norris. From what we heard Dumbledore had told Filch that she wasn't dead but only petrified, I wondered if this meant she hadn't looked in the eyes of the basilisk since she wasn't dead.

Shortly after I had my first quidditch match against Potter. However I didn't manage to win that match to my own frustration. However one again luck seemed to by on my side because Potter broke his arm during the match which resulted in Lockhart managing to get rid of the bones in Harry's arm. 

Potter had to spend the whole night in the infirmary to grow back his bones. This did give me some joy after losing the quidditch match.

That night however the basilisk made a second victim when Colin Creevey was petrified on his way to visit Potter in the infirmary. Luckily he also escaped dead, I wondered how he managed not to be killed by the basilisk. I was wondering if maybe the beast wasn't as deadly as my father had said. Maybe he was only able to petrify which wasn't that bad since the victims could be healed at the end of the year.

However when two more victims turned up I decided I did have to take precautions. I hid the piece of paper I had torn out of the book in a book about dangerous and deadly creatures. I figured Potter would at some point go to look for information in the chamber since he had some hero complex and always wanted to save the day.

Nearly headless Nick and Justin Finch-Fletley were also petrified. At one time I found at that Potter was in fact looking for information about the basilisk. He somehow managed to brew Polyjuice potion since he and Weasley turned up in our common room disguised as Crabbe and Goyle, I did however recognize their voices and decided to play the game.

I had to make sure Potter realized he was on the wrong track. The boy was suspecting me to be the heir of Slytherin. I did however have to give it to him that his guess wasn't that bad. In fact, my father did provide the journal which apparently made sure that the chamber of secrets was opened right now.

I could however not tell him what else I knew about the monster the chamber was hiding or the person who was in possession of a journal that made the heir of Slytherin relive.

Not long after Granger was petrified by the basilisk. Luckily she wasn't dead. I was glad that still no mudblood had been killed, I also figured that Granger being a victim would motivate Potter to look for answers. He would have to be fast though, I figured that too many people had been petrified for there being no victims. It wouldn't be long before someone turned up dead...

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