the summer before second year

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As I expected my father was mad at me for failing to get the highest grades in my year. It was a shame that the mudblood managed to outshine me. He told me he was working on something to make sure that wasn't going to happen again during second year. 

I figured he would bribe some people at the ministry to make sure she wouldn't attend Hogwarts or to make sure that the teachers at Hogwarts would give her less points to make sure I came out on top.

I didn't see my father much during summer, he was often away to his 'job' at the ministry. He didn't really have an official job. He was more waving his name and money around to make sure that people made the 'right' choices at the ministry.

 So I was mostly alone during summer, my mother of course was also at home but she mostly locked herself in her room or spent her days reading in the library.

I spent my summer reading all the books I already knew I needed in second year to give myself a head start. I figured Granger would probably doing the same, stuck in her mugglehouse that it would most certainly not even matter unless my father really managed to make sure I came in first next year.

It was near the end of summer when I found out what my father was planning. I was walking by the library while I could hear my father arguing with my mother. I decided to listen in to their conversation hiding behind the shut door.

'You can't possibly do that, Lucius! These are children!'

'They are mudbloods, we should get rid of them while they are still young and can't do any harm to us wizards.'

'Do you hear yourself right now? What are you thinking? They are children, just like Draco!'

'Like Draco? How dare you compare our song to these filthy mudbloods? It's a shame they have been tolerated for so long among us. It is time to clean up the wizarding world and what better place to start at Hogwarts were these people are learned our ways.'

'You disgust me right now, Lucius!'

'That doesn't really bother me. I'm only doing the right thing. We are a proud Slytherin family, what greater honour is their than to make sure his heir can relive again? That he can make sure that mudbloods will die this year at Hogwarts?'

'I can think of many greater honours than killing children!'

'I suggest you stay quite now, Narcissa. Did you forget the oath we once took? After what happened this year at Hogwarts it is important that you remember that oath very well or it might come back to haunt you in the end.'

'But Lucius, there has to be some other way-'

'Quiet!' Suddenly my mother was interrupted by another male voice I couldn't recognize.

'Lucius was trusted with the diary by HIM, would you really want to cross him, Narcissa. You aren't that stupid, are you? You must know that it is an honour for your family to have a hand in this. And rumours are going around that Weasley is raiding more and more houses. So we have to act now. '

'I already planned who I'm going to give the journal to, it will be just wonderful to see the reaction of Weasley when his family is disgraced.'

'You're going to give it to a Weasley? Don't you think their father told them all about dark objects?'

'I'm going to give it to the youngest one, their daughter. She's going to Hogwarts this year and if she's just as stupid as she looks thing will work out well for us.'

'But how will she be able to open the chamber? She's not even in Slytherin, how could she open his chamber?'

I was extremely confused, I had no clue what they were talking about. What chamber were they talking about? The only Slytherin chambers I knew of were our dorms and the common room. Why hadn't my father informed me there was another chamber in the school?

 I also didn't understand the part about the heir and really didn't understand how the Weasley girl fit in the story. How could she possibly kill mudbloods? And why would she want to do that? What kind of chamber were they talking about? And who was the heir of Slytherin they were talking about? I was thinking about great Slytherin families but I didn't really know who could be the heir.

The more I heard the more disgusted I become. I didn't like the Weasleys though I could jealous from time to time when I saw the bond they had. I also didn't like mudbloods and especially not the Granger girl, but that also didn't mean I wanted them all dead!

I heard some noise inside the library and thought I was about to be caught for sneaking but I was wrong and the conversation restarted.

'He made sure the journal was enchanted with very dark magic. He told me it would certainly work. Through the journal the heir of Slytherin will reopen the chamber and make sure it kills mudbloods, as many as possible this time.'

'It?' I heard my mother whisper, I could hear the fear in her voice. I was starting to feel the same kind of fear. How were they planning on killing people at school?

'His secret weapon, the basilisk he locked up in the chamber. One glance and he can kill right on the spot when you look him in the eyes. That will do to make sure no mudbloods attend Hogwarts in a couple of months.'

A basilisk? My father was planning on releasing that thing in Hogarts? When he told me Granger would not have higher points than me next year I didn't know he was planning on killing her. She might be extremely annoying and too smart but she didn't deserve to die, nor did anyone at school, no matter how annoying they were or how much I hated them.

But what could I do to stop my father? I didn't know what journal he was talking about and I couldn't just go up to Dumbledore and tell him this. He probably wouldn't believe me and I would never be able to come back home. 

And suddenly it hit me, I had to give some piece of information to Potter, he had some kind of hero complex wanting to save the day. If I could give him some information he might be able to stop the killings and I would be in the clear with the father. 

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