Chapter 2

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As slenderman got back to his house he opened the door and got irritated as he saw eyeless jack eating on his black leather couch. "jack! are you eating on my couch?!" slender man shouted a bit. Eyeless jack looked down at himself and kept eating a bit. "" he replied.

Slenderman clutched his fist. "...what ever, can you bring this girl to lulu's room" slenderman said as he handed jack the girl. Jack looked at shadow a bit. "who is she?" he asked. "I don't know.. but I found her falling off a cliff passed out, and it's probably because of that wound she has" he said pointing at shadow's side. "ok.." Jack said getting up and carrying her to lulu's room, he sighed a bit as he wiped his mouth with his jacket sleeve.

Shadow's eyes opened a bit as she groaned softly amd looked up seeing her being carried by a boy with a blue mask and a hood over his head. She growled lowly as she punched him in the stomach and jumped out of his arms and grabbing her sword from her back and held it to jack's neck. "who are you?!" she growled.

Jack looked at her as he shuddered a bit. "same to you..I'm Jack, Eyeless jack" he said. Shadow looked around a bit seeing that she was in a house, she saw a couple doors. "so whats your name?" jack asked again. She looked back at him as she moved back putting her sword in her sheath. "Shadow.." she said.

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