Part 2: Better Safe Than Sorry

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The hotel lobby is bustling with people and their Pokémon. Incineroar is more agitated than ever. He keeps growling and baring his fangs at passers-by. You place a hand on his shoulder and it seems to relax him. Not completely but just enough to make him cease his aggression.

"Any rooms?", you ask at the counter. The receptionist hands you a key. "Room 57, first floor." You smile and nod as you hand over the money, "Thanks." You barely manage to walk your aching legs up the stairs and to your room. There may have only been a few steps but it felt like an eternity. You insert the key into the lock and turn it. It opens with a satisfying click.

Incineroar walks inside and you follow after, locking the door behind you. The room had been cleaned recently and the polished wooden cabinets beside your bed gleam. There is an en suite to the side as well as an oak wardrobe. The window provides a clear view of the rest of the town. The sun begins to set in the distance, turning the sky a flaming shade of orange that vaguely reminds you of Incineroar's fur.

All you have time to do is set down your bag of travelling gear before Incineroar playfully pounces on you, knocking you back onto the bed in the centre of the room. He licks your face unrelentingly, causing you to smile. "Stop~ You're slobbering all over my face!", you giggle. He finally ceases his onslaught and rubs his face against yours, purring with a deep, low hum. "I can't stay mad at you. You're a real charmer, you know that?" "Incineroar~", he purrs with a wink. You're reminded of old times, before Incineroar started acting up. He's the same lovable cat down there, you just have to get through this weird attitude he's developed.

Before you can protest he wraps his arms around you in a vice grip. At first you try to break free but then you realize that his fur is actually quite soothing and oh so warm. You plant your face in his neck and close your eyes, lulled to sleep by the rhythmic, almost hypnotizing vibration of his purring.

Incineroar's  P.O.V

I stroke your face gently with my paw as you sleep, "I've won him back over for now, he'll come around eventually. Especially after I pull out my secret trick. I wish I didn't have to do this but I can't take any risks. He's too innocent, I can't let the world hurt him. Soon we'll be safe and happy, he'll be mine."

Reader P.O.V

You groan as you open your eyes, still somewhat tired. You are jolted awake however when you realise that your surroundings are not those of the hotel room.

Rope is tied around your legs and binds you hands behind the chair that is now imprisoning you. The floor is old and made with rotting wood. The walls are in poor condition and the stonework is falling apart. A pile of hay sits in the corner and a single, grimy window allows you to see the lights illuminating the town you were once in, now shrouded in darkness by the night. You notice your bag in the corner of the room, too far away to even attempt reaching. An oak door stands in front of you, taunting you with the idea of escape.

Incineroar strides in from out of view, his thunderous stomps causing the floor to shake. He stops and looms over you, examining you up and down. You try to inch away but there isn't much room to move in your bonds. You give a nervous laugh, "Funny joke... You can let me go now..." He shakes his head in a firm "No." "What do you mean?", you ask in a concerned tone. "You seriously don't plan on keeping me here, do you?" You can tell from the look on his face that's exactly what he plans to do.

So many thoughts rush through your head. His obsession had gone too far and now you were completely at his mercy. Who knows what he'd do to you? The idea of being captive forever in a cage, completely at the will of Incineroar terrified you. "What's happened to you!?", you cry. Incineroar tilts his head in confusion at you. "Why are you doing all this!? Ever since you evolved you've become a monster!" Those words stun Incineroar. You can physically feel the words cut into him deeper than any physical wound ever could as he is taken aback. You don't know why but you feel awful for what you said. You have no reason to feel bad but you want nothing more than to comfort him and reassure him you didn't mean what you said and that you were sorry. Then it hits you. Not only was the rope that is binding you in your bag but so was the TM for Attract.

You could feel the power of the move taking you over. Suddenly nothing else matters, only Incineroar. You begin to admit that maybe the evolution had been good for Incineroar, after all it gave him those rippling muscles and bulging biceps of his. A part of you felt disgusted that you were actually giving in to him and actually feeling attraction towards Incineroar but that part of you was quickly quelled. Now when you thought of "beauty" and "hot" the first thing to come to mind is Incineroar and his chiseled abs as well as that rugged face.

Incineroar could tell you had given in and the flame around his waist that had died down is now reinvigorated with a new wave of passion, eager to assert his dominance. He gives you a dashing smile that causes your heart to skip a beat and moves in closer, then closer, then closer until finally he's basically on top of you. His lips connect with yours and you feel a sensation of euphoria unlike anything you've ever felt before. He slides a hand behind you and cuts the rope restricting your hands with a claw, then doing the same with the rope around your feet. You stand up and he embraces you, pulling you in close to his chest. You wrap your arms around his waist, clinging to him like your life depends on it. You don't want this kiss to end.

Sadly all good things must come to an end but you reassure yourself that the next one won't be too far away. Incineroar slowly brings his head away from yours and gazes deep into your eyes with his emerald green irises. "Incineroar~", he purrs. "Told you that you were a charmer", you reply with a chuckle.

He leads you over to the pile of hay and gestures for you to lie down. You do as told and he wraps himself around you protectively, seemingly guarding you. You start to think that maybe this isn't such a bad situation after all.

Protective Instincts (Male Reader X Incineroar)Where stories live. Discover now