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authors note:

I've missed writing, especially Chris and Eva and I miss skam. So here is a proper book, not just a book of imagines. It's going to be a slow burn, but hopefully a good one. All the characters are based mildly off the original skam, they are not my own creation. Although it won't be fully accurate to the show or Oslo because I'm English :) anyways I hope you enjoy!

love Melanie x


Sunday's were what Eva would say she had a love and hate relationship with. On the one hand she loved it because she spent every Sunday with Noora, sat in their favourite cafe with a mug of tea. But on the other hand, it was the last day of the weekend and it meant she had to go back to reality the day after. Luckily for her, it was the Christmas holidays and this didn't apply.

This Sunday was the definition of a rainy day, the thick clouds loomed over, rain pattering down against the bay window, where Eva and Noora sat. The quaint cafe, heated to its capacity but still with a biting chill to the room, as they sat still wrapped up in their coats.

"I forgot to tell you, Josh is having a New Year's Eve party in his barn and William and I were thinking you should come?" Noora said after sipping her tea.

"Josh Stirrup? I've literally never met him, why would I even be invited?" Eva replied slightly confused.

Noora had always had more of a social platform than Eva, especially since she started dating William. Noora went to every single penetrators party, she knew all of the boys personally. She constantly told Eva that she lived under a rock, as every time Noora spoke about anyone, she had no idea who they were. It wasn't like Eva didn't socialise but most of the time she was just with Jonas, she stuck to her group and the people in her year.

"Yes I promise! William and I really want you to come and meet everyone, I'm sick of you not understanding when I talk about people."

Eva laughed. "Well it's tomorrow, I have nothing to wear and I'm not sure how Jonas is going to feel about this."

"Even if he does care, screw him. He's going to a party with Isak and didn't even invite you." Noora said with a crinkled nose.

Eva sighed, picking up her mug from the the wooden table, sipping on her hot tea. Noora was right, they'd been together for around 6 months and he had made plans for nye without her. It was a common occurrence, him putting everyone else above her.

"I guess so. Right fine I'll come, but promise me you won't leave me all night?"

Noora gasped, "I would never dream of doing such a thing."

Eva rolled her eyes at her friends sarcasm. Noora was genuinely Eva's favourite person. She made everyone a better version of themselves, and William was definitely living proof of that situation, having being the fuckboy he once was. She had strong opinions, always stuck by them and literally never took shit from anyone. Not to mention how painstakingly beautiful she was. Her icy blonde hair contrasting perfectly with her red lipstick, her laidback outfits always looking so perfectly put together. It was safe to say that Eva loved the girl and the feeling was definitely mutual.

"So I'm thinking we get ready at your house and then I'll tell William and Julian to come pick us up from yours?" Noora inquired.

Eva nodded, she was almost excited by the idea of this party, considering she thought her nye would be spent alone binge watching lucifer. Although, the thought of telling Jonas she was going to a penetrators party with everyone from the year above, was quite concerning. She knew he wouldn't exactly take it well, he'd pretend he didn't care but then make some passive aggressive comments and try to guilt her into not going.

"Text him, telling him now." Noora stated as she noticed Eva's concerned facial expression of her biting her lip and looking down. "Do it whilst I'm here so you don't give into his guilt trip."

Eva looked up at Noora and knew just by her expression that she wasn't going to get away with not doing this then and there.

"What am I even supposed to say? He's going to hate me." Eva responded with concern.

"Just tell him what you're doing, if he has a go then just ignore him."

Eva to Jonas: hey, so I'm going to a nye party with Noora and William, just checking that's okay because I know you're busy with Isak?

Eva bit her lip anxiously, she knew she shouldn't feel like this. It wasn't right and it definitely wasn't an example of a healthy relationship. She couldn't help it though, Jonas was the first boy to fully give her attention and interest, she didn't want to let that go because sometimes he was so worth it.

Jonas to Eva: well I was thinking about cancelling my plans with Isak to see you but obviously you have other ideas with the penetrators, so whatever

Noora leaned over to read the reply as Eva sighed at what the message said. She didn't know how to respond, he'd managed to trip her into a pool of guilt, as always.

"No, Eva! I know that face and don't even think about it, stand your ground. He's only saying this to make you cancel. Not because he actually will." Noora exclaimed.

"Yeah you're right, I need to do something for me for once." She replied smiling gently.

Eva to Jonas: Oh sorry, I just thought you had plans and I didn't want to be home alone. We'll just have to celebrate the day after together.

Eva looked up and make eye contact with a gleaming Noora, her smile almost ear to ear. She started squealing with delight as she gently put her blue mug down, black painted finger nails tapping gently against the china.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait for you to meet everyone, all of them are going to love you. Oh my god you're going to meet Chris, my best friend meeting Williams best friend, this is amazing." Noora blurted out, still grinning.

Eva felt happy with her decision, mainly just because of how overwhelming thrilled Noora was. She also just couldn't wait to get drunk and meet some new people. Although, in all honesty she didn't expect that nye party to change her life, which is exactly what it did.


A/N: I'm really sorry Chris wasn't in this chapter but they will definitely meet next time!

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