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Straight hair, tanned skin and long eyelashes . That's what Eva saw when she looked at her reflection in her mirror. She never usually looked like this but she decided if she was going to go to a party full of new people, she was going to put an effort in. She wore a black thick dress, hugging her curves nicely, it had a slit on her right leg, showing off some extra skin.

Her room was a mess, clothes and makeup everywhere. Through the reflection of the mirror Eva could see Noora touching up her red lipstick, the contrast with her pale skin and matching red dress made her look even more mesmerising than usual. Sometimes Eva questioned whether she fancied Noora a little too much.

"William's just texted, him and Julian should be here in the next 15 minutes. We really need to drink more before we leave." Noora explained.

"Here lets do two shots before we go." Eva replied, handing Noora a shot glass before pouring in the vodka.

Noora smelt it and grimaced, before taking a deep breath and downing it. She winced before making Eva pour another one. Luckily for Eva, the taste of alcohol really didn't bother her. She'd never been one to make a fuss about the taste and would just drink until her body couldn't handle it. She thought it came down to the fact that she only drank on irregular occasions. So Eva downed the 2 shots and smiled at Noora who didn't look anywhere near as happy about the vodka.

"Right, are we ready?" Noora asked. "William says he's outside."

Eva gathered up her blanket they were taking, which was definitely a necessity considering it was winter and they were going to sleep in a barn. When they stepped outside into the cold air, Eva felt the hit of hypothermia. She instantly wrapped the blanket around her body, almost like a reflex action.

The car journey was filled with loud drum and bass, and a strong amount of pre drinks. Noora had sat in the back with her, so she didn't have to make awkward conversation with Julian. Considering this was the first time they had met and in all honesty this was the first party she had been to since she was 15.

As the car pulled up to Josh's drive, Eva got a text from Jonas.

Jonas to Eva: don't drink too much tonight, you know what you get like.

Noora leaned over to read the text as she saw Eva's face drop.

"He's such a pig! You need to drop him right now, he's not worth it and you know." Noora spoke angrily.

Eva laughed at her comment as they stepped out of the car. It was easier to laugh it off than be upset. Noora came over to her side of the car and took her hand, squeezing it gently.

"You're going to have a great time tonight, meet lots of new people and dance, hard." Noora said sweetly as she leaned her head into Eva.

She couldn't help but grin at how lovely her best friend was, but Noora was right. She was going to ignore Jonas' message, get utterly pissed and dance for as long as her legs would let her.

As they entered the large wooden doors to the barn, her heart beat a little faster than usual but her tipsiness made her much less anxious.

The music was blaring throughout the room. Fairy lights and bunting pinned up across the walls. Two large outdoor lights stood in the middle, the bright orange burning out. It was dark but you could still see the teenagers bodies moving to the noise around, the smell of spirits floating through the hot air. Sweat, alcohol and sex. Those were the scents of any party. In the corner Eva saw the drinks area, she automatically headed over. She needed to be drunk to deal with this atmosphere.

As she stood pouring a vodka lemonade into her cup, Noora and William came stumbling over with another penetrator she'd never met before.

"EVA! This is CHRIS." She shouted at the poor girl, clearly suddenly very drunk.

William and Chris laughed at the shorter blonde girl smiling. Chris went in to hug Eva. He had a typical Male aftershave on and it make her knees feel weak.

"Hi, I'm Chris." He said loudly in her ear so she could hear over the music. His lips brushed against the top of her ear as he spoke. She could smell the alcohol on him.

"I'm Eva." She replied sweetly, smiling as he pulled away.

He was beautiful. Short light brown hair, soft eyes. The cheekiest grin you'd ever seen, dimples setting in as he smiled back at her. He was tall, at least 5"11 but broad, not skinny. She could tell he enjoyed going to the gym, his black short sleeved t-shirt clinging nicely to his chest and arms.

Noora could see the sexual tension in the air and was quick to cut it short.

"He has a girlfriend and you have a boyfriend." Noora said to Eva with raised eyebrows. "And although he's William's best friend, he's an absolute dick! So no Eva."

Eva rolled her eyes at Noora. All of the stories Noora had told her about Chris suddenly came to life as she was matching a face to the famous name. Eva knew she wasn't actually interested in him, he was just easy on her eyes. She could tell her and Chris came from absolute opposite worlds.

So Eva turned back around and downed her drink, the alcohol quickly hitting her system. The music suddenly became her focus and she grabbed Noora's hand to pull her in for a dance.

The rest of the night was filled with a lot of dancing, far too much alcohol for a healthy liver and meeting so many new people. Eva walked in knowing one penetrator and left knowing all 21 of them.

She turned around as she danced, locking eyes with Chris who was stood across the room talking to a blonde girl. He stared at her intently and smirked. Eva smiled and shook her head as she turned back. That
was when she realised in some way shape or form, Chris was definitely going to become part of her life.


Authors note:

Hello beautiful people, how are we all? Here is the 2nd part and they met! I know I'm awful and scheduled updates but I just write when I have an idea, so that's why it's random!
Anyways hope you enjoy!

Melanie x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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