Chapter 13

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Carson and Pyro, his Torchic, gazed in awe at the foot of the black, lava-stone throne that his father sat upon. Blaziken stood by Carlos Brightflame's side as well, the rich gold feathers giving way to gray in their age, yet the spirit Pokemon still held an air of superiority over any Carson remembered. Ten year old Prince and Spirit Pokemon were listening intently to the tale his father told him of the Three Heroes who defeated the monster of the sea in ancient times past.

"And do you know that Brightflame, the hero of fire, is your ancestor?" His Father always ended the story with that. It never got old to Carson, he loved hearing about the heroic deeds of all the Brightflame ancestors.

It had been four days past since the first Flygon had arrived at Lavaridge, bearing news of their defeat at the hands of a combined Slateport-Mauville alliance. Carson was just learning his letters, so he couldn't really make out so much what the letter said. If we have lost, Carson thought, then why is Father so happy? It must be the gift that the messenger spoke of...

It wasn't long, then, that commanders of Mt. Chimney's broken army arrived and knelt at the foot of King Carlos's throne. They would have to present a battle report, Carson knew, and what new things they had learned during the fight. First to enter the door was Chief Randall Sand of the Mirage Desert and his spirit Pokemon, Claydol. He was noticeably upset, but stood aside as the next man entered the throne hall.

"Brother!" Carson stood up and ran and jumped into Brandon Brightflame's arms with a great embrace as Pyro ran alongside him and chirped anxiously at Combusken. Carson had been having the most terrible dreams while Prince Brandon was away. "I'm so happy you're back, I don't care if we lost! I'm glad you're safe."

Brandon only managed to smile blankly as he set his hands on the twin swords at his belt. "I'm glad to see you again, little one..." There was an air of sadness and disappointment in his voice as well. Brandon quickly nodded to their father, who acknowledged him with an approving nod, and stood at Carlos Brightflame's right side.

They must have lost pretty badly, Carson thought. His whole ten years, he had grown up thinking, knowing that the Brightflames and Mt. Chimney would rise from the ashes and conquer the lands away from the infidel kings. Now, he wasn't so sure. Still, he was glad his family was safe.

The room and all its chatter hushed as Miguel Starfall entered the throne room. All smiles and followed by lazy-mannered Salamence, he seemed out of place among the disappointment of the battle's outcome.

"Lord Commander," said King Carlos Brightflame. "By all accounts your plan deceived the infidel armies, why is it, then, that we have suffered so great a loss?" The throne room was silent now. Many a criminal had been brought before his father, and Carson had seen Blaziken burn them for justice, or had them given to the Mountain. There was the same prickly, tense atmosphere now.

Yet why does Starfall still smile? It was his plan, why does he seem happy with losing? Carson supposed that he had much to learn about the strategy of war.

It was Chief Randall Sand who answered for Starfall. "He was late to the battle, that's why. We met him on the retreat two days back from the battle. Seems to be his army took a nap after lighting all those candles."

"You will speak when spoken to," growled the King.

Starfall bowed. "Thank you, your grace," he jabbed a mocking look at Chief Sand. "As you know the Mountains between where we were and where we had to be after the diversion are tough to navigate for my Meteor Falls men. It seems to me that Prince Brandon's men weren't able to get to and secure the city fast enough for my reinforcements to get there."

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