Chapter 1

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Chara's POV

It was another day. Trying to convince and control. Convince people to believe me, and control my magic. Everything, and everyone, is against me. At least it feels like it. At least Frisk pretends to like me. But Sans, is straight up ' I hate you ', but he's different from other people. I mean, at least he tolerates me. Most people avoid me. On the few days, he even talks to me. Even though he doesn't seem like me, I think he cares. Maybe it might be a good day. I was sitting in my room. Thankfully, I got to have a room to myself, but mom and dad left for their honeymoon. Lucky me gets to stay at Sans and Papyrus' house with Frisk. At least they have a bit of a bigger house. I still didn't get how to make this cherry tree bloom. I had made it smaller, pot sized, so I could fit it in my room. It was nice decoration, but I was struggling so much. I had written down all the things I've learned so far, like my own spell book. In case I was being stupid and forgot the words to the spell. I eventually throw the book across the room, frustrated from messing up. It hits the wall with a loud bang. The house went quiet. Sans slowly opens the door to my room ." Kid, what the heck are you doing in here?" I just cross my arms. " I'm trying to make this tree look better." Sans just shakes his head. " Kid, just don't throw things, you could brake something," and with that, he walks out the room. Wow, what a motivational person. I can't give up though, I think I'll get it eventually. I stood up to go downstairs. Maybe I should have a break, it could help to calm me down. I sit in the couch and watch TV. It was some boring news report. I barely had my eyes open. But, before they fell shut, I notice a quick dash to the door. I turn just in time to see Frisk running out. ' Diary ' in hand. Why not follow her? I've always wanted to know what she wrote in there. I quietly walk through the door. I notice the Frisk was running towards the woods. As long as I could see her, it should be fine. As I walk through the bushes, the trees tower over me. I hear the crunch of he leaves below me. I finally reach a clearing. I spot Frisk. She seemed to have the book open. I hear the almost silent whisper coming from her. I notice that the book was filled with strange symbols. Pictures of disasters, chaos, darkness. So many awful things. What was she reading about, I thought she has said it was her diary? After all, that's why she wouldn't let me touch it. Or... At least that's what she told me. I try to move closer. I slowly inch towards Frisk. Then, I hear a loud crunch come from below me. I duck behind a bush. As I hide, I look under my foot to see a stick. " Who's there! I know someone is here! Show yourself, or I'll make you." What was she suggesting? Was she going to- I don't have time to finish my thought. I get hit by a wave of pain. I fall to the ground. Frisk walks to me. Then their face turns from fear, to a smile. " Hey Chara, I didn't know you liked having time in the woods too, " she let's her hand out. I take it and pull myself up. " Did you feel that?" I ask. She shakes her head. " Feel what?"
" Nevermind. " Frisk just shrugs. " We should probably get home or we could get in trouble"
" Yeah..." I walk silently as I think about what had happened.

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