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~ Chapter Eight ~

Harry appeared at Ed's house, expecting his usually peppy, humorous friend to be in the same state he had been in since Samantha's death: moody, snappish, angry, and depressed. It was quite a surprise for him when he entered the modest flat to see the ginger at his dining room table, listening to Mumford & Sons, and putting together a Star Wars lego set. Usually at two o'clock in the afternoon, he was in sweats and lounging on his couch watching pointless cartoons. 

"Afternoon," Harry spoke with his eyebrows raised as he slid into the chair next to Ed. 

"What time is it?" He looked surprised, eyes flying to the clock on the wall. 

"Two pm. How long have you been at this?" Harry questioned, noticing the many lego builds on the table.

"Since I woke up at 8am," Ed responded, going back to the little pieces. 

"How'd yesterday go?" He changed subjects after a short silence.

"Really good, it was nice being back to the cafe. Alexi's really sweet as well, she's supposed to send me the pictures and everything today."

"You're getting along well with this Alexi, then?" Harry messed his hair up with his hand. 

Ed shrugged. "She's spectacular, and pretty considerate of everything that's going on with me. She doesn't walk on eggshells, but she's not as obnoxious as you."

"I need to meet this girl, she must be a magician. She managed to get into your life with just a few words, get you to consent to photographing your life, and you only speak of her highly. How long have you known her?" Harry rested his chin on his knuckles, green eyes surveying Ed as the twenty-two year old acted like a twelve year old. He truly was a adult child.

"Two weeks?" Ed guessed, unsure. He had known the exact minute count of how much time had passed since the announcement of Sam's death, yet everything after that didn't have a timestamp. After that it just seemed as though everything passed in a blur.

"Yeah, when can I meet her? Don't forget I leave in three weeks and I have to meet this lady before I go." Harry negotiated.

Ed hesitated, his mind coming up with a few pros and cons to the words about to come out of his mouth. "You could come with Alexi and I to Hyde Park tomorrow."

"Yes," Harry said immediately, jumping onto the offer immediately. "I will be there."

"You were supposed to say no." Ed flat-out said, eyes rolling at Harry.

"You offered, I accepted. That's the way it works, mate." Harry smirked. "Tell me more about her."

"What - you want to hook up with her?" Ed joked.

"I got a girl, remember?" Harry scoffed at Ed's forgetfulness. 

Not that he could really blame him - he'd never been one to remember things like relationships. Such as the fact that Harry had been in a relationship for the past six months with an amazing girl by the name of Charlotte Conray. 

Ed did a double take. "Really?"

"Yeah. You even met her two months ago. Short, blonde, brown eyes? Laughs a lot?" Harry prompted. 

"Wait… Char…. Lotte, right?" Ed tilted his head, his lego set forgotten by now. "Charlotte. That's your girlfriend? I thought she was dating whats-his-face?"

"Whats-his-face seems to be me," Harry chuckled. "But yes, she's my girlfriend. Why don't we all get together next week? You, Alexi, Charlotte and I. We can get drinks or something."

Ed closed up suddenly, all amusement from their conversation had flown out the window as he kind of stared at Harry.

"I didn't mean as a date," Harry spoke quickly. "Friends getting together. That kind of thing. Honestly, I really didn't mean it as any other than friends getting a drink."

"No thanks." Ed spoke simply, his face shutting down and being emotionless.

Harry sighed in frustration and scooted his chair back. "I'll see you tomorrow."

After evaluating his friends annoyance, Ed stood up as well so that he was standing beside Harry. "Five o'clock, before the sun sets, and you know that huge tree? Meet us there."

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