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The grass hadn't been cut in ages, the pathway was littered with leaves and flower petals, and the rain did not seem like it would be letting up anytime soon. Everyone probably would have agreed that it seemed like a scene in a movie, as the four walked in silence all dressed in dark colors. Alexi was tucked under Harry's arm, both sharing an umbrella. Ed and Ellie each had their own umbrella as they made the mile hike through the cemetery.

Ed hated cemeteries. He always had and probably always would. They just seemed so dark, and he personally felt that they should seem a bit happier instead of a dreary place. They should be a celebration of life, instead of a dark, scary place where you had to walk past name after name of people you didn't know. He couldn't help prescribing stories to some of the names, creating his own memory of a person he had never met.

Marlen Maricombe. Probably a rich business man that was married with three kids.

Amy Riester. Maybe an aspiring ballet dancer who had two love interests she couldn't choose between.

They kept walking, passing a young boy kneeling in front of a grave and telling the grave how his day at school went. Passing an old man, looking above instead at the tombstone. It was all heartbreaking and Ed couldn't even imagine how he would feel when he arrived at hers

"We're here for you, Ed." Harry said after they had walked in silence.

"Not really," Alexi contradicted her boyfriend of three weeks. "We're here for her, she wouldn't want Ed to be alone."

For once in his life, Harry didn't mind being told he was wrong, instead he just nodded in agreement. Ellie smiled, knowing Alexi had just put into words that she wished she could have.

Ed stopped walking to look at the ones who were there. "I put this off for so long. I've put it off for two months.  I hadn't wanted the lyric project to end, because that meant she was gone. I wasn't ready to say goodbye for real. But I think I'm ready now, I think I've had more time with her in the past few months than I had in the years I've known her. I got to remember in the best ways, and now I have a way of never forgetting her - not that I thought that would be a problem. I'm ready to say goodbye."

March 13th, 2011

"Ed, do you believe in soulmates?" Sam asked one day as the two were spending a sunny day at the park. They were laying on a blanket, staring up at the different shapes in the sky, and she was drawing shapes on the back of his hand.

"You're mine," he replied mindlessly, not really concentrating on the question.

"No, I'm not." She sat up immediately, looking at him with an obviously perturbed look on her face. Ed tried to figure out how he managed to upset her, and sat up slowly to look at her.

"What do you mean?" 

"I am not your soulmate, because that means you could never fall in love with another person. Either before we met or even after. It means you're forever tied to me and I don't like having that responsibility! You can't only love me your whole life. What if I hadn't applied to the coffee shop? Then we wouldn't have met and then you're basically saying you wouldn't have ever found someone to love, which is a total and complete lie. But you wouldn't know that because you wouldn't have met me. We're not soulmates, I don't think. I think we love each other enough to love each other throughout our flaws and we work pretty hard at our relationship. No, I don't think we're soulmates. I think you're my seashell. Something I found when I wasn't really looking, but I couldn't bare to give up on. Yeah, that's what you are Ed Sheeran. You're my seashell." 

Present Time

He knelt before the tombstone, no longer caring that the rain was pelting onto him. It didn't matter that the little piece of paper was soaked through, it didn't matter that the tape might not stick. As Alexi had said, it wasn't mean to last physically but it would last forever in his heart. 

Yeah I'm no angel 

I'm just me 

But I will love you endlessly

You're my Seashell, Sam. You'll always be my Seashell.

Ed sat in silence for a short while, not bothering to wipe away the tears that were spilling out. There was no reason to be ashamed, he had every right to cry over his beloved. Then, he knew it was time. Time to let go of her hand and let her be happy where she was, so that he could be happy with where he was. He'd never forget her, she was rather unforgettable, but he could learn to love again. For the first time in a while, Ed had no weight on his heart as he took hold of Ellie's hand. They shared a small smile, because it wasn't going to be an easy journey for them, but it was a journey they were about to embark on together, with Samantha's blessing.

The End

So basically 'a journey they were about to embark on' is fancy speak for THIS SHIP HAS SAAAAAAILED AND THEY ARE CUTE AS CRAP. Thanks for keeping up with this story, hope you enjoyed it. Leave a comment on what you think below!

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