Chapter V- Is There a Problem?

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I sat in seventh period, lost in thought, and just being extremely bored. I had gotten to class early, so there wasn't much to do. That's when I heard the classroom door open, and I turned my head to see who it was. It was that new kid, I had seen on the bus this morning. 'I guess now would probably be a good chance to finally talk to him...' I thought to myself, as I continued to watch him. I mean, I had other periods with him, but I could never find the right time to approach him, mainly because he was usually with Butters. I quickly moved my attention elsewhere as soon as he looked back at me and I felt his questioning stare as he then came up to me and sat in the seat beside me, causing me to glance over at him. He was just staring off into space, twitching slightly. I decided to try and break the silence before anymore people get here, "Uh- Hi... What's your name?" I spoke, before mentally cringing at how bad of an introduction that was. I let out a soft sigh of relief, when I heard his shaky voice speaking,
"O-Oh, uhm... Hi, my name is Tweek." He replied before going back to what he was doing. I was now starting to feel kind of uncomfortable, but I decided to try an continue the conversation,
"That's a nice name. My name is Craig." I said, to which Tweek replied,
"T-thanks. Craig's a n-nice name too..."
It stayed silent for a while after that, until the other kids started to come into the class. I then decided to take this chance to say something before the teacher began the lesson,
"Hey, wanna hangout, like, after school?" I asked, as he then looked up at me, a slightly shocked expression on his face,
"Uh- Sure?" He replied, as more of a question than an answer, before the teacher began giving orders for todays lesson. As childish as it may sound, I'm actually quite excited for this project. We have to pair into groups to make a project about the solar system. Once the teacher had finished giving instructions, I turned to Tweek and asked,
"Wanna be in my group?" To which he replied with a nod and a soft smile.


As I sat in my seat talking to my new friend, Craig, a familiar voice came from behind me causing my smile to widen as I realised who it was,
"Hey!" Said the familiar voice of my dear friend Butters,
"Hey Butters! Wanna join our group?"
"Sure! I was just gonna ask you the same thing," He spoke with slight chuckle, "Uhm... C-Can Kenny join too?" He asked, a bit hesitant,
"Of course!" I said in response. He then sat down next to me and leaned over towards me slightly, speaking in a hushed voice,
"Kenny's been acting kind of weird recently. Like, he seems kind of... Possessive..." He said, shivering slightly at the last part. I gave a slight hum in response. With a sigh, he then stood up, uttering out the words, "I'm gonna go tell Kenny he's in our group..." He said with a tired tone in his voice. I simply nodded in response as he left the table, and began a conversation with Craig.


As annoying as he was starting to get today, I still couldn't help but smile as I seen his signature bright, electric blue eyes light up at the sight of me. "What am I gonna do with you..." I whispered under my breath, with a sigh as I made my way towards him.
"Hey Ken!" I said, with as much false happiness as I could possibly force into that sentence. His smile faltered a bit at my words, as he then asked "Sup Buttercup? You okay?"
"Yep! I was just gonna let you know that you're welcome to join our group if you'd like."
"Oh, uhm... Sure." He replied, although, he sounded a bit uncomfortable,
"Okay, well, we'll be over there if you want to come." I said before walking off.


With a sigh, I stood up to go join my group in discussing the project. To be honest, I found this project to be quite stupid and I couldn't give less of a shit about my grade in science, but I decided to go ahead and do it anyways because it meant spending time with Butters and keeping an eye on him and that twitchy bastard. When I got over there, I was greeted by my little buttercup with a, "Hey Ken!" Craig just flipped me off, although he does that to everyone so I don't take it seriously and just return the pleasant gesture. Tweek gave me a small smile and simply waved at me, causing me to glare at him as I balled me fists slightly. His eyes widened and he quickly looked away from me.


Butters seemed to have noticed my behavior towards Tweek, because he then looked towards the twitchy blond and then back towards me and awkwardly said, "Uhm... School ends in fifteen minutes... Maybe we could all meet up after school to work on it?" Everyone agreed to this suggestion and I just gave a slight huff in response. For the rest of the period we all just sat and talked about the project, although I was barely even listening, for all I could think about was, 'Why would Butters choose him over me?' And, 'What is so good about Tweek anyway?' As I sat there pouting- being reasonably upset, the voice of that same person I didn't wish to speak to, interrupted my thoughts, asking,
"H-hey, are you okay? You seem k-kind of out of it..."
I balled my fist, trying my hardest not to hit him, before glaring at him and replying, "And just why the fvck do you care? Fvcking spaz..." I may have lost my temper a bit there... But just then, Butters slammed his hands on the desk and asked,
"Is there a problem?" Vexation clearly evident in his voice,
"Leo-" I started trying to defend myself before being cut off by the sonorous ringing of the school bell, signaling the day was over. I sighed, about to just walk away, before Butters forcefully grabbed my arm, saying, "Kenny, we need to talk," And practically dragging me out of the classroom, "What the fvck is your problem? Why are you being so rude to Tweek?" This just pissed me off even more, as I practically shouted back at him,


Okay, honestly, Kenny was really starting to get on my nerves. 'What on earth is he talking about, Choosing Tweek over him?' "Kenny, what are you talking about, I'm not choosing anyone over-" I started before he cut me off shouting,
"Just forget it!" Before storming off, leaving me just standing there, shocked, confused, and honestly really hurt...

Oop, Kenny is pissed-
Sorry for not updating last week, I was sick, but to make up for it, I'll try to upload another chapter either today or tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1184

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