The punishment (there is a slight lemon warning)

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             Tord sets you down on a chair and pats you on the head, walking to a small room. You hear some shuffling and then he walks out with what seems like a black and white dress. Realization hits you that the dress is maid attire. Tord throws it at you with a grin plastered on his face. "well... get in it Y/N" He says while staring at you. You stand up and walk to him, punching him. Then you go and put on the dress while your face is flushed. 

Tord p.o.v 

            I look at her and smirk. I'm not too shocked that she is the orange leader because it was obvious when one of her blankets straight up had orange hammers and sickles on it. I notice she is getting confused with a string the next thing I know, she throws the dress in anger and I laugh. "Min dronning you gotta calm down!" Next thing I know I'm being tackled by Y/N. she then starts smacking my face while screaming "how can I fucking stay calm when you fucking kidnapped me?! Who knows what your gonna do to me!!" That's it. She is starting to get on my nerves. 

Y/N p.o.v

         I snapped like how I always snapped at my soldiers. The only soldiers that I will never snap at are Maia, Ariel, and Caitlyn. I still claw at Tord's face and don't realize someone walking in the door. The man screams at me and pulls me off, I'm trying to claw at him now. Tord looks at us and says "Y/N, stop trying to claw pat. He is only trying to do his job by protecting me. well! now you've got three punishments! maybe I can add them up... hmm pat? should I make 2 mistakes equals one point? or 3... your choice!" Tord is giving me a sinister smile like he is planning something. Pat takes a moment after he puts you down, then he simply says "2 for your plans, sir." At this point, I am far beyond snapping. I quickly dash off out of the door. god, I need to get out of here.   .   .

Nobody's p.o.v

You dash off with Tord following you. Tord thinks to himself "rebel, yes. loveable?... yes." That's all he needs for a perfect girl, just a lovable rebel. You secretly have deep feelings for Tord, but you don't want anybody to know. you smack into a person a tad bit taller than you. groaning, you get up and look at the man. He has bandages around one of his eyes, starting to grow a beard, and he has a chewed up cigarette in his mouth. "disgusting.  those things are nasty" You think. He looks at you and grabs you, His nametag shines "pau". You let out a yelp as he walks you to the red leader.  you growl and your stomach has the same idea and decides to growl at the perfect timing. Tord makes an awing sound and you blush, saying "f-fuck you..." Then he shows five fingers. He says "5 more chances until I do something. so what is the thing anyway? well, you better not question. " That made you curious. as people always say, curiosity killed the cat. Your stomach growls and you look at Tord, wanting to anger him. "you better give me something to eat or you will have 12 claw marks on your face" You say with a smirk on your face. He notices you testing his limits. Tord just says "guess this will be your 'warning' Y/N!~" He grabs you and drags you to his room and you peek at pau and pat. They have horrified looks on their faces. Tord slams you on his bed and you look at him wide eyes. he laughs and takes off his pants. You try to push him off but fail. Tord is way too strong for you. Tord smirks and gives you a deep kiss, slipping his tongue in. You blush and he slightly fingers you, making you moan a tiny bit. You feel a wave of heat flash over you and Tord notices, he then stops and smirks. you look at him and tilt your head.  "well, guess it's too hot to do it hehe" Tord says while you are sitting there.  You make a  "phew"  sound and Tord tackles you, ripping off your underwear and taking off his boxers. You look at him with wide eyes and look down at his length. "Tord what are you-" You get cut off by him kissing you. You let out a loud moan in pain as he pushes his length into you. He waits for you to tell him to go on when someone kicks the door down.  You see the look on Tord's face as Edd screams and covers both his and Matt's eyes. Tom pulls Tord off of you and punches Tord. You cover yourself in a blanket then watch. You feel yourself pass out and that's the last thing you remember that night.

(time skip)

                     You find yourself waking up on a couch. You look around and see you are in your house. "was.... was that all a dream?" you say out loud and hear your fridge door close. You get your gun out of your sofa cushion and point it at the person "Red Leader freeze right now. I am not afraid to shoot." You say at the man. You were correct on your wording. Tord walks over and puts a plate of your F/B on the coffee table, saying "you were out for a week. and how do you know who I am?!" You freeze, then you say "wait.... that was a dream?" Tord looks at you weirdly "can you tell me about this 'dream' orange?" He says and you jump. Then you say "how do you know who I am?!" Tord giggles and shows the nametag "remember? I found out before you just passed out!" You look away and blush. He sits next to you and hugs you. You cuddle onto him and blush more. That's when you started explaining your dream to him. 

(time skip)

                    Tord giggled when you explained the part where he did the thing to you. You blush and snuggle him. Tord smiles and snuggles back, saying "well, do you wanna become allies since we are starting to get a stronger relationship?" You nod and eat your breakfast. Tord smiles and pets your hair. He wraps you up in the blanket and turns on the tv to watch your favourite show. Well, Tord isn't that bad at all. Maybe we do have a chance after all.






a/n- Holy smokes I passed 1100 words! thanks for all your views by the way. I'm glad all of you like reading this. There will be a lemon in the future after one of the chapters. I am not sure which one it is though. Have a fun time and see you next time! bye everyone and hope you like this book!

word count= 1178

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