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July 15  3:50 p.m

Hyunjin's POV

As I got off the truck, I was still flustered about hugging Changbin. "Alright, who wants to stand on guard," Changbin asked. Everyone looked at each other and thought about the question.

"How about Felix and I stay out here while the rest go inside," Chan requested.

"Sure," Jisung said. I was the first to start walking to the market doors, since no one seemed to go.
I had to force the doors to slide open, but failed in the process. Changbin noticed and came to help me. "One, two, three, " he counted out. Finally we get the doors open.

"Shouldn't we see if there's any, you know zombies or people." Jisung asked.

"I mean if there is they know we are here. The doors literally mayed the loudest sound ever," Minho told him.

"Like you would know," Jisung sassed back. 'Huh, interesting. What's up with them?'  I thought.

"Yah, I would know. You know why because I've done this before!" This time Minho sounded annoyed.

"Oh wow Mr. Know it all!" Jisung said sarcastically.

"The don't call me Lee Know for nothing! " Minho shouted. They kept shouting at each other, that whatever was in the store was gone by now.

I looked at Changbin and whispered "Let's go in. " He nodded and we started walking in. I headed to the checkout and looked to see if there was candy for Jeongin. Lucky enough, I found hard candy. Changbin walked up to me.

"Who is that for," He asked handing me a bag.

"Oh, it's for Jeongin. He loves candy." I responded.

"What to do you? "

"What do you mean hyung?"

"I mean what do you like. I always here what the others like, but not you."

I stared at the floor feeling sorry that I barley opened up. "Oh. I um.. I don't know, Chocolate."

"Chocolate?" he stared at me in disbelief. "Really? I thought you wouldn't like chocolate."

"Well don't make predictions. I love chocolate."

"Alright then. I'll look for dog food,  if you need me." Changbin said as he walked away. I stood there for a few seconds and headed to the girl products. I was searching for what Momo needed, until I heard foot steps coming from my left. "Yo, what's up with the squirrel today. He's all cranky. Like what did I do to him." I turned and saw Minho looking at the shelve.

"I don't know. Do you think Momo would want these or those." I said point to the tampons or pads.

"Does it matter, don't they do the same thing. I didn't she come and get it. Most important how do you know about those!" He answered back.

"I don't. She just informed me to get these."

"Just get both." Before I could say anything Minho was already gone. I groan in stress. I put both in my bag.

I walked around a bit more and found glasses. Got some and headed to find the others.

"Hey!" Jisung shouted from across the store.

"Move!" Minho yelled backed.

Before I could go see what was happening I heard a scream then a gun shot. 'BANG!' I thought it was over until two other ones joined in. 'BANG! BANG!' I ran to the nouse. It felt like I was running forever.

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