Chapter 2: Recycling Bins and Toast at 3 AM

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(Kiri boi's POV)

After I said that I immediately ran to Mina's dorm.

"MINA I MESSED UP!!" I burst through the door screaming. Mina yelped and looked at me with worry.

"Kiri? What's wrong?" She grabbed my shoulders. I sighed and looked at her.

"I said a weird thing to Bakugou."

She sighed and let go of me. "Seriously? What did you say...?"

"I said that his voice was pretty and nice to listen to and then I ran here." I was awaiting her answer when Jirou walked in the room.

"Dude, you ran away just for that? Lame." She scoffed.

"DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME!!" I screamed.

"Jeez ok Drama Queen" she laughed. I crossed my arms like a child and pouted. Mina rubbed her temples and sighed.

"Ok dude, you know I love you, but I have a killer headache and I'm too tired for this. Go say you're sorry or whatever and come back later, got it?" She pushed me out the door as I said goodbye.

(3rd person Kiri POV)

When Kirishima got back to the room, he saw Bakugou moving some flattened boxes toward the door.

"Huh? Where did those come from?" He asked.

"They were in your room. I decided to put your shit away because it was taking up too much space. But then I found some random boxes in the room, so now I'm taking them to the recycling outside. Got a problem?" Bakugou scowled at Kirishima as he answered him.

"Wait wait what? You unpacked my stuff for me? Thanks bro!" Kirishima smiled at the slightly taller male.

Bakugou let out one of his signature "Tch"s and went to walk out the door. Kirishima followed after him picking some of the flattened boxes that fell.  "Here, let me help! I'll go with you!"

"Whatever Shitty Hair. If you're coming, then hurry up." Bakugou say as he looked behind him at Kirishima.

As the two walked down the hall and outside, Kirishima was quite quiet. Bakugou seemed to notice that.

"Oi Fuck Face, why 're you so quiet? Normally you're annoying as hell, what the fuck happen?" He looked at Kirishima with one eyebrow raised.

Kirishima was shaken from his trance and gave out some nervous laughter. "O-oh..? Sorry I didn't notice...I guess I just have a bit on my mind.." He looked at the ground.

"Like what?" Bakugou was being surprisingly nice right now.

"Well..I guess it's mainly something to do with love..have you ever been in love, Bakugou? Any girl or guy who you can't stop thinking about? No matter what you do?" Kirishima looked up at Bakugou with a curious look on his face.

Apparently that question caught Bakugou off gaurd because he looked completely shocked. After a few seconds he went back no normal.

"Tch, as if. I'm too busy for love. And what was that about me liking a guy? I'm completely straight." Bakugou refused to look at Kirishima, not as if he noticed.

Kirishima was too busy getting his heart crushed. Bakugou didn't like guys? He knew this was coming but it still hurt to hear that his crush has no chance of liking him back.

At this point they had reached the recycling bins outside. They put the boxes in there and Kirishima imagined that he was throwing away his emotions with the boxes. Then he groaned inwardly because of how dumb that sounded.

As they walked back, Kirishima held a frown on his face, and walked slowly. He was quite thankful that Bakugou was walking in front of him, so he didn't see. When they got back, Kirishima instantly locked himself in his room.

When he went in, he was amazed at how great it looked. Bakugou had hung up all his posters on the walls, and made his bed. Kirishima decided to keep everything the way it looked now. He liked it.

After reading some comic books for awhile,  Kirishima looked at the clock Bakugou had placed on his beadside table and saw that it read 3:00 AM. When did it get that late? The only problem was that he wasn't sleepy at all. Knowing Bakugou, he was probably out like a light.

Kirishima crept out of his room as silently as possible. He went into the small kitchen and put some toast in the toaster. He kept looking at Bakugou's door while, as if he was waiting for something. Suddenly, the toast popped up loudly, scaring Kirishima.

"AAH!" He screamed then immediately put his hand over his mouth and stayed dead silent, not moving an inch. Then, he heard it.

The slow creaking of a door opening.

Kirishima slowly turned around, sweating like crazy.

Bakugou was standing there, looking pissed.   "So..Would you mind explaining what the FUCK that was?!"

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

"O-oh! H-hey B-bakugou! I w-was SO SORRY PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I DON'T WANNA DIE!! ALL I WANTED WAS SOME TOAST!!" Kirishima yelled, pleading for his life. He was kneeling on the ground, bowing.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU'RE TOO FUCKING LOUD!!" Bakugou yelled, equally as loud. Then, he sighed.
"Just...shut up and let me sleep." And with that he went back to bed.

Kirishima sat there in ghe floor for a few minutes before getting back up again and going back to his room, forgetting about his toast.

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