Kirishima has been crushing on Bakugou since the sports festival. But Bakugou isn't gay! least he says he isn't.....
(It's a little stupid at the start, but trust me, it gets better!)
(I'm not going to be following the real storyline very mu...
Uuuuggghhhh I hate everything. Why did I have to be messing with my camera this morning? Why did I decide to fix it? I want to fucking die. I can't believe I let Shitty Hair carry me. And I definitely can't believe Raccoon Eyes saw us. MY REPUTATION IS RUINED.
Other than that, the day seemed to be not shit. Maybe I'd be fine. When lunch break started, I went to got the the group of idiots I hang out with.
"What's up fuckers?" I said as I sat down. When I did, Pink Fucker started to look from me to Red Fucker. Yellow Fucker and Black Fucker started to do the same thing. I was getting annoyed, and Shitty Hair looked worried. Not that I was looking at him or anything. Fuck you.
"Okay what the hell is happening here? Why are you guys looking at us like that?" Pinky smiled and answered me. "Mind telling us why you took so long to get here? And why looked quite...worn out when you came in?"
Pikachu nodded. "Yeah man, you guys weren't doing naughty stuff were you?" Me and Kirishima's faces go red at that. "WHAT?! NOW WAY!! YOU GUYS THINK I WOULD DO THAT WITH...HIM?!?! DISGUSTING!!! I'M NOT EVEN GAY!!! WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK?!?!" My hands are giving off mini explosions and I was about to blow those fuckers up when the man in question put his hand on my shoulder.
"Hey dude, calm down! We don't wanna hurt anyone! And you can't blame them, we did look a little suspicious." Shitty hair gives a small chuckle as he says this. I can tell he's trying to be lighthearted, but when I look in his eyes, I can see something else. He looks.....hurt? But...why? Did I say something? Whatever. I don't even care.
I give a small tch and walk out of the cafeteria, into the hallway, and out to the courtyard.
(Kiri-fluffing-shima's POV)
Ah..I wish Bakugou would stop mentioning how "he's not gay and he would never date me" I mean, I get that it's true, but he doesn't need to say it every other minute. It kinda hurts..Of course he doesn't know that, but it's not like I can tell him..
After Bakugou left, Denki gave me a puzzled look. "What was all that about? And if you guys really didn't do the do, why were you late?" He said with accusation in his voice.
"Well," I started, "Bakugou got hurt this morning and I had to take him to Recovery Girl. We got back late and had to rush over here." When I finished, he still looked doubtful. Then, Mina nodded, confirming what I said.
"Yup! It's true! I saw them this morning, and I even got a picture!" She smiled as she said this.
"WAIT WHAT?! HOW? WHEN? WHY? MINA DELETE IT!!!" I shrieked and tried to grab her phone that she had pulled out. She only laughed evilly. "No way!! It's way too cute!!" At this point, Sero and Denki were curious. Sero put his hand on my face, trying to push me away. "Let us see!!" Mina happily obliged.
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Kamninari cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, "GAAAAAYYY!!!"
I sighed. "Ok, when did you even take this?" Mina grinned. "I took it right before I talked to you guys."
Sero was leaning in to the phone, trying to see better. Then, he took the phone and zoomed in on our crotches. "Ok can someone explain why they're both in BOXERS??" If I wasn't blushing then, I was now. I yoinked the phone from him amd gave it back to Mina. "Well, I had just woken up, and it was early in the morning. Who wears pants in the morning?" I said.
"So," Mina started, (haha 666 words) "you don't wear pants in the morning? And neither does Bakugou? Wow that's pretty gay, not gonna lie." I threw my hands up in exasperation. "ITS NOT GAY IF THE OTHER PERSON IS STRAIGHT!!! Though I wish he was...."
Sero looked at me and said, "Wait Bakugou isn't gay? Whaaat?? I don't believe that for a second. Have you seen the way he looks at you in the locker room? If that's not gay, I don't know what is!!"
I sighed. "Well, obviously your eyesight is broken, 'cause Bakugou is straight and he would never date me." I get up feeling defeated and say bye to my friends. Now to just find out were Bakugou went.
While walking down the hallway, I look out the window and see Bakugou in the courtyard. I run out the door leading there and walk up to him. "Bakugou! You didn't have to leave! Come on, the lunch break is ending soon!"
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"Whatever nerd, let's go."
Hii!!! Tyler Sama here!! Sorry it took so long to post a new chapter!! School is being a buttface. - 3 -