20 | Happy Accidents

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*** Rated M for sexual content, read at your own discretion!!  

It was after he'd already checked Headquarters and Potter Cottage that Sirius started getting panicked. He stopped back by the Burrow briefly where one look at Lily's devastated expression told him James hadn't returned. He even checked Potter Manor, which had remained untouched since Fleamont and Euphemia Potter had been murdered in the dead of the night. 

Come on, you old dog, you're his best mate, Sirius thought with frustration. Where would he go? 

Sirius could only remember one other time when James had been panicked to the point of needing to run. The man rarely ever felt like he couldn't face Lily; she was the love of his life, after all. He didn't even blink in the days leading up to his wedding. But the one other time the doubts paralyzed him was when his sweet wife told him about Harry. He'd taken one look at her before sending a panicked glance to her still-flat stomach and just turned and disapparated.   

Knowing he was running out of options, Sirius turned and disapparated once more, praying to whatever gods he'd refused to believe in that James would be there. 

Despite talking a big game, Sirius hadn't been to the muggle world much by himself. It was always in the company of his friends that he felt truly confident enough to navigate the large metropolitan area. So when he apparated into the alley behind a small muggle pub, his nerves were already getting the better of him. But when he peeked into the crowded establishment, his eyes immediately found his best friend sitting at the bar, his head drooped over a half finished drink, which was sitting alongside half a dozen empty glasses.     

"Come on mate, time to get you home," Sirius said, elbowing James to rouse him from his stupor. 

"Mm no-" James mumbled, swatting incoherently in his direction like one would a pesky fly. "Not ready to s-see her right now," he slurred. 

Sirius rolled his eyes. He hadn't seen James this gone since he was trying to work up the courage to propose to Lily. Over the top of James' head, Sirius caught glimpse of a young muggle bird sending him those eyes. Bedroom eyes. He'd seen his fair share of them. But tonight was not a night he could take up that offer. 

"Come on, mate," Sirius said lowly, grabbing James' arm with an urgent insistence. "If you're not going back to Lily, then at least come to my place. You know it's not safe for you out in the open." 

"Right, 's right," James mumbled, letting Sirius guide him out the door and into the alley as he apparated them both back to his flat. 

With a great sigh, Sirius dumped James on his couch, collapsing on the chair next to him. Before he could even gather what question to ask first, there was another loud crack as Remus apparated into the room. 

"Where the bloody hell have you all been?" He demanded. "Lily worried herself sick, so Hermione already took her back to Headquarters." 

The mention of his wife was more sobering than any potion. 

"Don't look at me!" Sirius groaned. "I just had to drag his arse out of muggle London!" 

"James, go home to your wife." Remus said sternly. "She's beside herself with worry." 

"I can't Moony," James groaned. 

"What're you so afraid of?" Sirius asked. "I understand if you were mad earlier, hell I would be too if I saw my witch all bundled in Snivellus' arms. But she ran out of that room right after you." 

"She loves him," James said grumpily. 

To their surprise, it was Remus who let out a bark of laughter. James looked over at his friend indignantly. 

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