- ST. MUNGO'S HOSPITAL"Please wait in the family wing," a mediwitch directed patiently.
"Wait," Sirius rolled his eyes as the witch walked back to her station, his hands full with Harry. "They say that like it's so easy. She's not the one giving birth!"
Hermione couldn't help the amused smile breaking through at the expense of her partner's anxiety. "Neither are you, love," she pointed out lightly.
Sirius turned an unamused mock-glare on her, pulling Harry closer defensively. It was the middle of the night in late Spring. Neither of them was truly surprised to be here- Lily was already two weeks overdue. James had sent them a patronus once Lily was already in labor and with her healers. Everything was happening rather quickly this time. They'd stopped by Potter Manor on their way to St. Mungo's to pick up the kids from Polly's watchful eye. Harry and Neville were both adorably confused upon being dragged out of bed before the sun had even risen and had promptly fallen asleep in Hermione and Sirius's arms.
Sirius glanced down in amusement. "Careful. He's drooling on you."
Hermione peered down, grimacing as she gently extracted her hair from under Neville's resting face, conjuring a handkerchief to take its place.
"I'm still a bit shocked by it sometimes," Hermione admitted.
"What? The kids?" Sirius asked quizzically.
"My hair."
Sirius's eyes softened. He stepped up to her, the press of his lips gentle against her forehead. He waited until she looked up at him. "You're still you. Doesn't matter if you look different."
It had been a ridiculously full few months since the final battle. The days since felt like they lasted an eternity while the weeks seemed to whiz by as fast as a snitch. The initial aftermath was a daze. Everyone was so exhausted and ready to be done with it, no one bothered questioning Sirius and Hermione's magic much. Most people assumed that Voldemort's final defeat was mainly Hermione's doing, given her public link to the Dumbledore bloodline. Even Order members who'd been at the battle accepted the narrative they were fed. The only ones aware of the more intricate magic at work were the marauders, the Prewetts, and the senior leadership- Albus, Alastor, and Minerva. When Hermione and Sirius remained tight-lipped about the nuances of their final move and the specific bond they shared, Minerva bristled, and Albus grumbled. But they could hardly tell them the truth- Alastor Moody was Head Auror, after all, member of the Order or not. And the bond Hermione and Sirius shared was technically illegal. Even if they could easily get pardoned, knowledge of the power they now shared would only draw targets on their back. Gideon hadn't argued at all after a small reassuring nod from his twin that he'd be filled in later.
Ultimately, the clean up would turn out to be harder than the battle. They might've won on the battlefield, but they still had to purge the Ministry from all the corrupt influences left in power from Voldemort's reign. Luckily, with the Order's strategic recruitment of prominent Ministry leaders and officials, they were able to ensure everything was handled swiftly.
Hermione turned out to be a great help in the weeks of reconstruction. Most importantly, she had lists upon lists of people imprisoned from the first war- people who'd hidden within the shadows of Voldemort's army, escaping the initial sweep done by the Ministry overhaul. Barty Crouch Jr. was caught immediately this time, as was Karkaroff, and any other names Severus could help identify. But at Hermione's insistence, Dumbledore pushed for the Ministry to enact a more comprehensive reform and release program for the imprisoned Death Eaters. She knew many of those arrested, such as Bellatrix or Crouch, were doomed to their cruel and sadistic ways and would never reenter society. Pettigrew was sentenced to 35 years for the betrayal of the Longbottom's location to Voldemort as well as willful participation in his ranks. Lucius was no longer able to feign the influence of the Imperious Curse and was sentenced for life for the numerous murders he'd committed in the name of the Dark Lord. Yet the young ones, such as Rowle or perhaps the Carrows, who at the time was still of Hogwarts age, had a chance of changing the path their elders had forced them on.

Promise to the Past | 🐾 ᴍᴀʀᴀᴜᴅᴇʀs ✓
FanfictionShe'd expected to possibly give her life to this war, she'd even prepared for the reality that they might lose the war. But the one thing Hermione Granger never prepared for was to be thrown back in time just before the fateful night of the Potters'...