Chapter 8 - Rage

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I and Nyssa arrived back to their base in Starling. As they entered they spotted Aaliyah, who was sitting by some of the computers wearing her league of assassins armour. We put their bows and quivers in their glass case. Aaliyah immediately stood up and rushed over to the pair. She looked very sad, perhaps she had even shed a tear or two, Nyssa thought.

"What's wrong?" Nyssa asked.

"I'm sorry Al Sa-Him. I..I couldn't stop someone from injecting Thea with some drug. I'm so sorry." Aaliyah said trying to hold back her tears.

My face turned into a look of pure anger and hatred. The hatred was for whoever hurt my sister. It had to be frightening to Aaliyah and she was scared at how I would react. My breathing became unstable and my rage was tangible. I saw as Aaliyah was about to speak again but I cut her off with a glare. "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?" I shouted directly at her.

I saw as the poor girl was clearly distraught and saw as Nyssa put an arm around trying to comfort her. She just kept apologising to Me but I wasn't interested in apologies.

I spun around and stalked out of the base. Aaliyah and Nyssa ran after me but I didn't turn around for them. "What about your bow and arrow?" Aaliyah asked.

"I don't need them." I murmured. I walked at such a pace that Nyssa and Aaliyah were struggling to keep up. I noticed they were still following and I sighed in frustration. "Go back! This is something I need to do alone." I said with such venom that Nyssa immediately grabbed Aaliyah's hand and dragged her back. Nyssa understood why I was so angry and why I was acting like I was so she decided to let me go and wait for my return.

I was walking through the Glades with a purpose and soon I found what he was looking for. In the distance, there was around 10 people gathered around a couple of guys who were clearly drug dealers. I walked up to the group and grabbed the shoulder of the first guy I saw and spun him around. I punched him in the jaw, knocking him out in an instant. The other nine junkies rushed at Me with a range of weapons but I disarmed every single one. A kick to the side of one guy sent him to his knees before a punch to the face knocked him out. Another rushed him but Me used his momentum against him. I hooked his arm and flipped him over with an arm drag and kicked him in the face as he was on the floor. All of the rest ran away as they saw what I could do. The only two who were left now were the drug dealers.

The two drug dealers looked terrified, especially when they saw the cold look in the man's eyes. I stalked over to them and grabbed one by the throat, lifting him in the air. "WHO SUPPLIES YOU WITH VERTIGO?" I said menacingly.

"i don't know" he said as he coughed, barely being able to breathe.

"That's a shame" I sneered. I released my grip on his throat and as he fell, I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder onto the ground. I took out my sword shoved it into his chest and through his heart.

The other dealer tried to attack me but I saw the attack coming. I swayed out of the way of a few punches by the man. I caught the next punch with my hand and twisted the arm so that it bent behind the man's back. He groaned in pain but this just caused Me to tighten my grip. "Same question" I said.

"Look, I have never met him. He doesn't deal with us directly. You have to believe me!" the drug dealer begged.

"I believe you" I whispered as I released the man. The drug dealer sighed in relief but as he turned around, I shoved my sword through his chest and directly into his heart.

Parts of Oliver's hood were covered in blood from all the people he had just beaten up as well as the blood for the man he stabbed through the chest.

I headed towards I & Nyssa base of operations.

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