Day One: Confession

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  I paced around my room, trying to make a decision that could possibly make my life worse or a whole lot better. Ever since Frisk asked me to dance with her twenty-first birthday, I've felt all giddy and fluttery when she was around me. The dance wasn't meant to be in the least bit romantic, Frisk just told me she wanted to prove to everyone that she could, in fact, dance with a partner and I was the perfect person to represent that with because I was the only one her size. At least, that was what it was for her. I was really enjoying being that close to her and didn't even realize it. I kept getting lost in her eyes and so much that she started to be the same way. I'm not really good at realizing or explaining my own emotions so all I can really say is felt we had a kind of connection then. Being able to hold her as I did really add to it; I've never been so close to her or anyone for that matter and I had no idea this is how it felt. Undyne, Papyrus, Alphys, Mettaton, and even MK (Aka, Monster kid) even called me out on how into it seemed. I didn't want to leave her for the whole night after that, not wanting to get rid of that satisfying and thrilling feeling she was giving me. Unfourantly, I had to but I still visited her frequently at Toriel's since she still lives with her. Frisk never seemed annoyed, though, quite the opposite actually. She would run to me every time she heard me at the door and give me a big hug and I would gladly return it and even sometimes swing her around in the process when I was in a really good mood. I loved seeing jolt towards the door like a little child would and get all excited and giddy to see me. Toriel even noticed how frequent my visits were from how they normally and asked me if I  had anything to talk about. I always told her no because I actually did think nothing was different. She even started visiting me and Papyrus more often after I starting seeing her a lot. It took a long time (way too long) before realized what something wonderful yet awful. All these completely new feelings were when I was around or just simply just thinking of her and why I thought of her a lot, was love. I was in love for the first time in my life and I mean actually truly in love. It was almost impossible to think. Was it actually possible for me to fall in love? After going my whole teenage and a lot of my adult being completely loveless, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't a romantic guy. But, man, that kid who's now become a women came in and ruined everything in the best way possible.

  I was debating whether I should tell her the truth or just not say anything. Let's see, what're the possibilities? If I tell her, she could possibly feel the same way and that would make our relationship go somewhere; the risky part of telling her and her not feeling the same way; that could potentially ruin or, at least, make our friendship a lot more awkward. Though, if I never told her and she did like me, I would miss that grand opportunity to be with her; if I never told her and she didn't like me, that would be very fortunate for me; though, if I would never know that if I never told her...I don't think I can do that. Keep it bottled up inside until I found a way to get over her. Ughhh, what would she think of me? Would she think I was weird for having these feelings even though I watched her grow up in her teenage years? There wasn't a big age difference between us...only by seven years. Maybe I'm just over thinking things...

  I thought about it for a while longer. I realized I wasn't being right; I was only thinking of myself, not what she deserved, what was right for her, what she needed; she deserved to know the truth, letting her know was right for her, knowing is what she needed; no matter how it affected me. I would tell her first thing in the morning after I take her to get ice cream.


  I took a deep breath before the door to Toriel's house. My soul felt like it was being tied together and flipped. I was excited to go hang out with Frisk and see her reaction to my confession but I was so scared of what she'd think. I slid my back down the door to calm myself down a bit.

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