Day Six: Moving Forward

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  Contest cravings, missed periods, mood swings, the growth of breasts, nausea. Could this mean what I think it means? I've been ignoring it for the past two months and it was only until Sans pointed out how sensitive and big both my breasts and nipples were getting. That made me wonder if maybe possibly I was expecting our first child. I decided I was gonna get up around five O' clock when Sans was still sleeping to get a test to confirm whether my suspicions were true. By the time I got back, it was six thirty. I knew Sans usually got up at seven or eight so I was still good. The moment I put the drop on, I turned away; I was too nervous to look. When I gathered the courage to see, I was shook. Positive. I felt surprised but not distraught. I used to have a suspicion that Sans couldn't get me pregnant because he's a monster and he hasn't been able to for the past four years. I can't deny that I did want to have a little boy or girl to hold in my arms and watch grow that was one of my own, but if Sans couldn't give me that, it would be okay; my life with just him was good enough as it was.

  "Good morning, Buttercup" Sans crooned when he heard me enter our room. I looked up from the surprise of hearing him awake and smiled at him. Sans' shining pinpricks followed me as I made my way to the opposite side of the bed and sat down, my back facing him. Sans scooted closer to me and reached his arm around to lay his hand on the top part of my thigh. "I woke up a little earlier and realized you weren't here with me. I went to turn around to spoon you but you weren't there, then I saw the light coming from the bathroom and then I realized it was okay," Sans admitted with a chuckle. "Com 'ere, Buttercup" Sans voice rasped. He gently tugged at me, wanting me to lay back down with him. I listened and laid down with my front still facing away from him. Sans wrapped his arms completely around me, being cautious of my chest in the process. I was wondering what Sans would think about all this. He knew I wanted to be a mother and had no negative feelings about that but I don't ever remember him saying that he wanted a child.

  "You know, there's a reason I was up," I told him. The sooner I let him know, the sooner I can get the weight lifted off my chest.

  "You weren't just using the bathroom?" Sans puzzled.

  "No, I-I" I croaked. I turned to him and gave him a sheepish smile. He looked a bit concerned and surprised by my behavior and tone. "The, uh-" I swallowed the lump in my throat "-reason is that, well, you remember that one night you weren't able to fondle with my, uh...tits...?" We've been married for over four years but I still got awkward sometimes when I talked about anything that was sexual or maybe personal. Sans would tease me or laugh whenever I did that and that and this time was no different.

  He started to chortle, making me blush before he responded with, "Yeah! Yeah! I remember that! Every time I tried, you would groan and hit my arm my arm away. I asked you why you winced every time and you said you didn't know why and that it was feeling sensitive. Then I just had to go down-".

  "OKAY, okay, Sans, I think I get your point" I interrupted him. I knew what he was doing. Every time I was embarrassed about something like that and we were alone, then he'd be extra just to make me embarrassed but I wasn't having it right now. Not when I was in such a delicate mood. I sighed. "The reason was, well, Sans, I'm...your gonna be a daddy" I announced softly. Sans didn't flinch, tense or anything I excepted him today; his calm facial expression didn't even change. He was just completely calm. What he said nest was unbelievable and unexpected.

  "I'm already a daddy," I told me blatantly. WHAT??, I thought. For a second, I thought he was saying...but the thought went as fast as it came; I knew Sans would never do that to me and he's never been with another person like that. "Your daddy~" he finished with a wink. I scowled and slapped him a bit harder than I probably should have. He knew I hated that nickname and he knew that! And he had the nerve to say that at a time like this! I don't know what made me so upset at him and why I started to feel myself start to tear up with angry tears. This pregnancy was really getting to me. Sans looked stunned that I found his joke so offensive but he comforted me anyway.

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