Forget Me Not

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I already missed Niall and he was sitting right next to me. Jeez this was going to be hard. I sat shotgun in his car as we rode to the park where we had grown up together. Me and Niall had been bestfriends since we both wore pull ups. Our moms had been goodfriends and we were neighbors. I was going to miss him so bad. Tomarrow he was flying to London to tryout for this show called the X Factor which was almost like a cooler version of a giant talent show, but if you were good, you didnt get a prize. You got a chance to be famous. Niall was going to sing. And he was going to make it. Guarenteed. Nialls a brilliant singer, hes even sung me to sleep more than once.

As we pulled up to the park, Niall took my hand. "Im really gonna miss you Blair bear" he said with his Irish accent.

"And im really going to miss you to Nially Smiley." I laughed. We hadnt used our old nicknames that we had given eachother sice we were little. Then he let go off my hand and we hopped out of my car. He went around to the back of it, popped the trunk and and pulled out one of those old fashion wicker piknik baskets.

"When you did you become such romantic?' I said with a wink.

"Shut up." He laughed blushing, i loved it when he blushed. It was so adorable.

It was a nice day, the sun was shining and the slight breeze felt nice. Clouds far off in the herizon threatened rain. We walked to the center of the field in front of the playground and layed out a blanket. We sat down and he pulled to sanwhichs out from the piknik basket. as we wate i thought about how long we really known eachother. He moved the basket when we were done eating our sandwhiches and layed down with is arm stretched out and i layed down, my head resting on his arm and closed my eyes.

"Hey Niall?" I asked.

"Yeah Blair?"

" Do you remeber when you had your imaginary friend Mich, and i cried because i thought he was your bestfriend, not me? And then you made me a card saying that you were sorry and that i was your bestfriend. I think i still have that card." I said smiling at the thought.

"Do you rember when I was eight and i lost my teddy bear so we had a sleepover and you let me use yours?" He chuckled.

"Yeah i rember." I giggled. "Or that one time when your fish died because your brother over fed him?"

"I still blame him for that!" He laughed. I opened my eyes and turned to him. He was staring at me and blushed then looked up at the sky. I felt a drop of water land on my nose. I looked up and saw that the clouds had surronded us.

"We should go before it dumps on us." Niall said. I nodded and got up. As if on cue it started pouring rain. I laughed as we ran to the car. He drove me home and pulled to the curve to let me out.

" See you at seven tomarrow morning right?" he asked

"I dunno sevens a bit early for me." I joked. " Ill be up and waiting for you."

"ok see you tomarrow.' He smiled and drove away. I walked through my yard in the rain and into my house

* * * * *

My alarm woke me up at 6:30.

"Ugggggg" i mumbled to myself. I was not a morning person. I got up and looked out my window- it was still raining- and slipped on a pair of Hollister jeans a tank top and a cozy sweatshirt. I wen to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then pulled up medium length blonde hair into a messy bun. I waked down stairs and looked at the clock, 6:52. I looked out my window and there was Niall. I grabbed an apple and ran out the door.

On the way to the airport we didnt talk much, but it wasnt awkward. We just listened to the the radio. We parked the car and both got out. We finally fount gate B6 to London and we were a little lateso they were already baording.

"I have something for you." Niall said. And he reached into his carry on and pulled out a branch of blue flowers, "There forget me nots." He exclaimed.

" How could i ever forget you Niall Horan?" I laughed and embraced him in a huge hug holding the flowers he gave me. I didnt relieze i was crying until he wiped away my tears.

I luaghed awkwardly. "Skype me everyday right?"

"Right." He promised. "I- um, Im really going to miss you Blair."

"Im going to miss you to, now get out of here before you miss your flight." Niall smiled at me, wiped away more of my tears, hugged me one last time, turned around walked away, and didnt look back.

When i was back in the car, I felt more alone than I ever had. What was I going to do without Niall? I thought to myself. I was about halfway home when a song came on that I like. I looked down to turn the song up when someone cut infront of me, I swerved to the side trying to aviod crashing into them. Unfortuanly I swerved to the wrong side. The person next to me crashed into the side of my car and I began to roll and thats when i started I to scream. And thats when I blacked out.

* * * * *

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2012 ⏰

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