Part Two: Lets Set This In Motion

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Quick note: I need stage names for m/b/f (So y'all should come up with a suggestion preferably today cause I need it for the next chapter) also f/b/f would use the name Ruby for her role but would be alternatively referred to as cutie by you and m/b/f ( thanks @puteri132 for the  suggestion. If you don't understand, Ruby would be her cast name, that's what the others would refer to her as but Cutie is her nickname)

It's been 5 days since we've arrived at Seoul and during this time, we've spent hours on end perfecting our plan and how to execute it, we've spent time immersing ourselves into our characters and involving innocent, unsuspecting people into our acts, we've made 'friends' with these people, letting them into our 'lives', we've made them feel like they're a part of our lives, but let's get back to the main plot of our story, we've used our days here also getting to know more about bangtan and BigHit (read:spying) we even gained a lot of dirt and blackmail material on BigHit, trust me you don't want to know them but they'll come in handy.

But apart from the technical parts of our plan, we've also been taking time to brush up on our talents and as further help to our story of already being a sort of band and having a fan base of sorts, we employed the help of our hacker friend, he created a YouTube channel were we posted a few of our practice videos and song and dance covers and hacked the views and comments, so it seemed like we were at least somewhat known and popular. He did the same with our 'duo' joint Twitter account. And with the hacked views, subscribers and followers come actual views, followers and subscribers made of actual people, so when we go out at least one or two or a dozen people recognize us, we're not bothered, it helps with the plan.

With the help of our highly successful social media, we've been dropping hints here and there about how we are auditioning for a renowned entertainment company and how we hope to become trainees so as to 'improve on our talents' and probably be out in a group so as to increase our 'family' and that did the trick, our notifications got flooded with how we should audition for BigHit and probably be put in a group of our own or be added to a group with their OpPaS

Which brings us to today, after days of studying the members of bangtan, we decided on the perfect way to start our infiltration. After long hours of consideration, we decided on starting the process with Jimin, he's super cute and seems just the right amount of naive and impressionable which makes our-my job easier.

So I'm seated on a park bench close to a cute little coffee shop which over the days of my observance I've seen our little mochi frequent while disguised of course ( you know the mask and the cap, totally not obvious) speaking of which, he just got his order and is about to turn and leave time to get this show on the road, I quickly crossed to the other side of the road where Jimin was just about to leave the coffee shop and totally not on purpose bumped into him which in hindsight probably wasn't a good idea because now scalding hot coffee is seeping through my clothes and I'm pretty sure I have 3rd degree burns (dramatic much)

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed and trust me this wasn't fake, that shit hurted (have you guys seen that meme? No? Ok)
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry,  please, sorry" Jimin kept mumbling sorry under his breath while using his hoodie sleeve to clean my shirt like that made a difference.
"Dont worry about it, it's fine, just a minor burn (I wish 😢) I'll place an ice pack on it once I get home" I said reassuring him since he looked like he was going to cry from his guilt.
"Why don't you let me buy you another coffee to replace the one you used to give me a bath?" And with that I dragged him back into the shop and ordered two cups of coffee for us and a blueberry muffin for him and a chocolate cake for myself.

We ate our pastries and drank our coffee while we talked, which consisted of me pretending to not know who he was since he only removed his mask and not his cap, while I acted all innocent and oblivious of various things, I might have let it slip a couple of times that I was going to be auditioning with a friend and might have suggested he looked through our social media to see a bit of what we can do and tell me what he thinks, which led to us exchanging numbers, with that done, we talked for a few before we had to leave, him to his dorm and me to the house to brush up on our plans.

As headed towards the house, I couldn't help but smirk, yes my shirt is ruined, yes my body suffered burns but yes our plans have just be put into motion. Phase one has just begun and excitement can't describe how I feel right now. I need to take a shower and place an ice pack on my chest and apply an ointment for the burn.

As soon as I'm finished with all that, I jump on my bed with clothes on and pick up my phone, my friends are busy with their parts of the plan so idk when they'll be back. As I unlock my phone I see I have a couple of messages from...... you guessed right, Jimin.

Hey its Jimin.
You probably know that since we exchanged numbers and I saw you save it, you know what I'll keep quiet now.
Oh yeah, how are your burns they aren't too bad are they?
I'm so sorry
I should have watched were I was going, I'm sorry.

I laughed and sent a reply

Hey Mochi
😂😂 Yeah I knew it was you
Nope. I placed an ice pack on it and rubbed on an ointment in a few days I'll be as good as new
You don't need to apologize every minute,  It's fine.

He was silent for a while and I forgot and started going through my personal social media, when I suddenly received a spam of messages, I quickly went to the messaging app and saw that they were all from Jimin.

I know, I just feel bad.
I just went on your YouTube Channel and I'm about to watch your videos, I hope you're as good as I imagined
Whaddifek? Whaddifuk?
What The Actual Fuck?
You're better than I machined
*Imagined Fuck
And you have the guts to be tucking modest
What are you?
A talent machine
You're not human are you?
Oh Gosh
I have to tell the others
Please tell me you're auditioning for bugshit
And did you see how many subscribers and views and likes???
Oh wait....It's your channel, you know exactly what I'm talking about
And your friend adkkgdyigjr
Are you guys robots?
Or Aliens sent to spy on humans?
Wait... I sound like Tae now, I didn't know my life would become like this
Oh gosh...I'm totally speechless (sure Jimin like you didn't send about 10 lines of text previously)
It's just, you're just...Oh God, fans and idols better watch out
ok I'm sorry but you get my point
I'll go sit in a corner now

I laughed so hard after reading his messages (a/n: I know the messages aren't funny but just pretend they are) and started to reply. Sure, this boy is Cute AF, such a shame we'd only be friend for a while before it all ends.

@SilverLonelyWolf i updated like i promised, i hope you liked it.

That's all for now y'all,  I hope you liked it. Please don't forget to reply to the A/N at the beginning of the chapter because it's very important and its because I really haven't decided on a name for him that's why he didn't appear in this chapter.

Also I want them to be put in a band with two other guys together but I also want it to be that they stay with BTS, idk how to incorporate it yet but if you have a suggestion, that's great.

Also, if you want to be part of the members of the band (the two other guys) just comment, choose a name, a face claim or how you want to look, your personality and how you want your character to be portrayed. I'll pick the first two but if more people comment, I'll find a way to incorporate it all.

I'm working on a new book, somewhat similar to this, only in terms of the band that's about to be made, these same characters but with more idols and a different storyline, it would be more oneshot-y, it has a general plot but doesn't really need to be read in any particular order, y'all get my point.

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