sketch ( part 1 )

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Okay tj's 16,ambers 17 the ghc + Jonah are all 15 ,cyrus has a older sister named Gwen (16) this is will help later on

Also the chapters will be longer then this don't worry

Tj's pov

It was the first day at my new school I had just moved from a large city in new York to a semi-small town in Utah called shadey side my family loved Broadway and my sister amber was even planning to pursue it she had alot of trouble getting roles , well she never got one she was an amazing dancer but not so much a great singer.

When our parents told us they where moveing we could have stayed cuz ,ambers a legal adult now but we knew it would be to hard and to much money for us to keep up with so we decided to go with them

It was my first day at my new high school

First and second period were boring as they where just core classes ,but 3rd period was my  art class.

I love all forms of art , it's such a beautiful I'm the biggest sap although no one would ever know cause I put on such a douche bag attitude

I knew moving would help fix that but it's such a natural reflex for me to act like that

I walked into my art class there seemed to be no sitting placements beacuse the room was alive with conversations except for a table in the corner there was only one person there

A small boy , dark hair , dark eyes , wearing a white and blue striped button up
He was cute and well put together

I walked over to the table and sat down a chair away from him

"Hi im tj" I greeted

"Um..I'm cyrus" he hesitantly replied

"What's the teachers name again" I said wanting to make some form of conversation. " it"s miss.washer but just call her miss.w " he said lightly chuckling I smiled in reply before grabing my sketch book out off my bag I thought being nice was gonna be alot harder but this kid made it easy.


 tyrus au \\ Thin Lines On The Canvas(on Hold)Where stories live. Discover now