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"Master! You're awake!"

"Yeah, I am..." I mumble as I rub my forehead, due to the massive headache I received when I hot my head on the mud last night.

"You feeling alright Master? You were mumbling in your sleep..." he started, clearly worried.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking around, it seemed like we were in a cave.

Oh, now I remember.

"Wheres Jolteon?" I blurt out,

"To answer your first question Master, we are a few hours north of Coumorine city, heading to Lumiose for Astro's Pokemon Master Class showcase, which me, you and Latias are in. To answer your second question, she's on your lap."

I look down, and, Lucario was right, Jolteon was sleeping on my lap, with not a care in the world.

"Sparky. That's what I'm going to call you from now on."

"M-master? Sparky? Are you sure? I mean, you--"

"Im sure, Lucario. Sparky gave her life away to protect me, she was just as brave as this Sparky." I explain, petting Sparky's fur to keep her asleep.

"Oh, Azul, you're awake, good.." Astro says, walking in through the entrance to the cave.

"That means we'll be able to leave soon, Dally is out make food, she'll be back soon enough, then we can leave." She explains, setting a wooden bowl full of water on the floor beside my sleeping bag, then taking a handkerchief out of her backpack and dipping it in the water, dabbing my forehead.

"You had a fever after the battle. You were knocked out a few minutes after Eevee evolved into Jolteon, and so Jolteon--"


"Right, Sparky, finished the battle off fairly quickly. Lucario picked you up and carried you to the nearest cave, where he then brought out all of your pokemon, and they sat with you until we found him." She concluded, finishing up wetting my head.

"You're Pokemon really care about you, Azul.... You should be proud." She adds, gazing down at Sparky.

"Well, my pokemon and I did spend 5 years on the Orange islands in a cave just like this one, and they always took care of me if I was ever sick or injured, which was a lot." I laugh, remembering the time when I caught a really bad fever, and slept on Greninja for three days straight.

"Hopefully that bond will be enough to get us high in the rankings in the Master Class." Astro sighs dreamily.

"Don't worry, it will."

She smiles at that, nodding, then heading off to help Dally with the food. While in the mean time, I let out my Pokemon so they could stretch.


((UGH I literally had over 1000+ words before i logged back on... Wattpad deleted it all... ARGH.. well, i'm making this one go by a lot faster,. so sorry !!))

"Alright, Azul! After dinner, can we practice some more?" Astro asked for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last hour.

"Ugh, sure... we need the highest chance of winning possible.." I reply, getting a 'yippee' back in return.

"Alright! I'm for sure gonna win the title of Kalos Queen now!" She shouts, standing up pumping up a fist.

"Astro, be quiet," i hissed, slamming my hand down on the table, we got glares from the other groups sitting around us, I simply smiled warmly in return. I turned back to Astro. "We don't need to make a scene here, what if there are other performers?"

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