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"Who are you?" I ask, removing my hand from the glass panel, moving out of its light and back into the shadows.

"Who am I? Well, young Lady. My name is XY." He said, bowing like you would to ask a lady to dance.

"Thats a creative name, who gave it to you? The garbage?" I ask, circling around the room, trying and failing to get a better look at this 'XY' character.

"Actually, no. My parents, but yours abandoned you, so you wouldnt know, would you? Your brother had to tell you your name, didn't he?"

"Shut up! Don't you dare talk about my Brother or my family!" I shout at him, continuing to circle XY until he walked out into the light emitting from Mew. He had black hair, and wearing a lab coat, with goggles on his head, dark blue jeans and orange sneakers. Nothing special, just looked like an average worker. Which is probably why he got in here.

"What do you want with Mew?" I ask, growling. Another book goes off and this time, the entire tower shakes. How bad is it out there?

"New? Oh, I couldn't care less about Mew. But, this particular Mew has a certain.... connection, with another mythical, can you guess?" XY asked, smirking as my eyes widened.

"Xerneas." I whisper. He nods, and laughs as Mew tries again to escape, only to be hit with its own move. Another, louder boom goes off in the distance, and I have to spread my legs out and widen my stance to keep balance.

"Might I say, your Pokémon are really putting up a fight out there. I'm impressed. No one has been able to withstand my team for this long without going down." XY "praises" and walks over to the control panel, typing in a few things, and clicking enter.

"Then you obviously haven't met my team yet. They don't give up, even when backed into a corner." I say, pride evident in my voice. XY sneers at this, but turns and walk out nonetheless. I stare at the door, confused, then snap out of it and run over to Mew.

"H-hey, it's okay. I'm going to get you out of this, alright? Arcueus won't be in trouble, I promise. I'm going to get you out of here." I whisper, some what repeating my words from earlier. The door suddenly slams shut, and in come Aaron, battered and bruised and somewhat bloody. I held back a laugh, my pokemon must have shown no mercy, just like I taught them.

"You...little... RODENT!" HE screeched as he lunged at me, knocking my away from the glass. He towered over me, sitting on my stomach, he curled his fist, and ounched me in the face.

"HOW" punch.

"DARE" punch.

"YOU" punch.

"How..dare I what?" I ask, gasping for nonexistant air. He doesnt give me an answer, but just keeps punching me. The door opens and closes again, and this time, Aaron gets knocked off of me, and becomes unconcoius. A sylveon stands there, beaten and out of breath.

"T..thank you..." I whisper, the Sylveon nods, and hesitantly walk over to me. I reach my hand out, and she flinches away.

"Oh no...." I whisper, but remain still, my hand unmoving as she inches towards it, finally, her head rests in the palm of my hand and I smile.

"Lets get our friend out of here, okay?" I say, and she nods. I smile again, standing up, looking around the room, I can't find anything that can be used to break the glass. I sigh, my eyes landing on a big piece of wood. I run over to it while Sylveon kept guard of the door. After a few minutes of struggling, I finally got the piece of wood over to the test tube.

"Move back, Mew, I don't want you to get hurt." I whisper, it nods, and backs up to the other corner of the capsule.

"Okay, one, two...three!" I exclaim and ram the piece of wood into the glass, and it shatters.

"What was...?!" I could hear footsteps and muffled voices from the other side of the door. Shoot.

"Sylveon, we've gotta go, now!" I whisper at her, she nods, and follows me. I think, after this, I'm going to catch her and join my family of pokemon. I don't know if she'll want too, but I don't have many pokeballs left, but I'm willing to try.

"H-hey! let us in!" The person says. I grab Mew from its position in the remains of the capsule, and look for any sort of exit. Then Sylveon gets my attention with her ribbon feelers, and points to an open vent in the corner.

"Perfect idea Sylveon!" I praise and she smiles, bouncing up to the vent, taking Mew in her feelers. I struggle a bit to climb over the junk, but, after a few minutes, I finally got up into the vent shafts. But, the people also got the door open as I closed the vent behind me. I turns and put a finger over my mouth to Sylveon, who nodded. I leaned my ear as close as I could without being spotted, so I could listen:

"Where did they go?"

"The Sylveons gone, too!"

"Okay, no one cares about Sylveon. Where is Mew?! Mr. XY is going to be so mad at us!"

"Try the vents!"

And I was gone, doing some sort of amry crawl in the vent shafts, following Mew and Sylveon, who waited paitentally for me when the vents got tight. I followed them for about an hour, and finally, we almost got to saftey.

"Sylveon, why are we at the top of the Tower?" I turn to her, and she points down to the battle below. The longer I look, the more of mine and Astros team I recognize, with Lucario and Astro in the back, ordering them around, all the while Lucario's protecting Astro.


"Look who it is, Its Azul! Enjoying the view?" I turn to see XY, with his arms behind his back, grinning down at the battle below.

"Sure... you could say that.." I reply, constantly switching my view from XY to the battle. We were winning currently. With, I just noticed, Sawyer and Leo had come to help. the sky was red, a dark crimson, and XY was grinning.

"You know, you took everything from me. Fame, fourtune, A home..." Xy started, turning to me.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?! WHAT DO I MEAN?! You really forgot, didn't you? All you worry about is yourself, so it doesnt surprise me that you had already forgotten! Don't you remember? 5 Years AGO......." He said, my eyes widened.

"That was you...?" I ask, taking Mew from Sylveon and holding it with both arms aross my chest.

"Of course it was me! You crushed my dreams, and now, I'll crush yours.." I didn't have time to react because he charged at me, Sylveon took Mew and hid in the shadows, while I blocked most of XY's punches, some of them landing. Dodge, punch, duck, kick, punch, dodge, kick. This pattern continued for a while, and finally, he thought he had me, but I ducked, and hit him in the chin with a head-butt, shooting him backwards.

"You..you think...you think you can just.. come in here and foil...my plans.... after YEARS of hard work, you think you can just come in here and wreck it all??! Well you can't!" XY screamed and lunged at me,repeatedly puching me in the gut, blood coming out of my mouth.

"I think I can, if it's not right. And this-" I shout, pointing down at the floor. "Is not right. Using Pokemon for experiments is wrong. They aren't test subjects, their being of this world, just like us! And if we can't see that, then we don't deserve to have such loyal and fascinating creatures roam this world!" I shout at him, throwing my hands back and running at him. He narrowly dodges every one of my punches, and I keep going until I finally get a decent hit. The jaw. I used two fingers to start hitting his pressure points, and he howled in pain.

"How does it feel, knowing your finally on top?"

I look at him for a minute, towering over him.

"I havent even reached mid-way yet, XY. Power isnt something that can be won by ruining peoples life, it has to be earned. I haven't even come close to earning it yet. I'm not even close." I say, looking up iat the crimson sky as he ponders this.

"Well, unlike you, I have."


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