Chapter 4 Part 2

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Jaymey's POV

'Are you a virgin?'

Once those words left Corby's mouth, I was left dumbfounded. Flabbergasted. All those deep words I knew that could describe how shock I was to not use the word shock.

Ugh. Of all the times. Of all the times he could've asked that question it had to be now. While we were in the kitchen, he was on top of me, and both of us were half naked. God kill me now!

No way. There's no way Corbs could find out, not this early at least. What would he think of me if he knew? I know I couldn't escape this reality of him finding out, but maybe there's a way for me to dodge it for a while. Just a while.

Corby was there staring down at me, waiting for my answer. Which I wouldn't give him now. I needed time. Time to think. Rather he needed time, what would he think if he knew the answer? Would he be disgusted? Ugh. I don't even want to think about this right now.

"Well?" Corby asked rather impatiently.

I sighed and gave him my casual smirk, "What? You know all my secrets, at least leave me with this one." I said. Although, he doesn't know all of my secrets, I want him to think that, it gives me leisure time from the unending typhoon of 'get-to-know' questions he'd always ask.

"Come one Jay, tell me, since we are probably gonna do it."

I stared at him wide eyed. This would be a perfect chance for me to get mad and leave the virginity question hanging and forgotten. Here goes nothing.

"What?" I asked acting all dead-serious and mad. I was trying to be vicious to get the idea across Corby. He seemed to notice the change in my mood and quickly got up.

"Look Jay,.." He started as I struggled with my towel to stand up but I cut him off.

"Save it. I may be totally different from the other girls you'd go for, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want or say whatever you want and disregard my feelings. I may be wild, crazy, and a rebel but that doesn't mean I'd sleep with you the moment you're hard and horny" I say trying to make my way to the stairs as he follows, "I'm who I am but I still respect myself Corby. Now, if you don't want a broken nose I suggest you leave me alone for the rest of the day or until this crappy trip is over." I say menacingly at him, having a clear view of his broken and shattered expression which was slowly tearing me apart. I didn't like how he looked so pained. But to be quite honest what he said did hurt my feelings. It was like a total new side of Corby that I haven't seen before. I walked into my room, changed into a grey longsleeve and denim shorts and just hit the hay. Sleep was always the second answer to a pissed off Jay (the first one is beating them up senseless.)


Corby's POV






I really messed up. BIG TIME. To think I made Jay mad to the point of her breaking me, physically and emotionally. God, of all the things I could've said to her. I don't know what came over me. I guess I was too focused on taking Jay I disregard everything, especially her feelings.

I've got to apologize to her. Before making my way up to Jay's room I made a quick stop at the kitchen. Getting all the necessities for pissed of girls: ice cream, cake, nutella, cheetos, and a few dozen sodas. Carrying that stuff wasn't as easy as I thought but it was worth it for a smiling Jay.

Reaching her room I knocked on her door.

"Jay, please. Can we talk?" I begged her, but there wasn't any response. I knocked again but still, silence.

Putting all the food down at her doorstep I knocked louder, "Jay, please talk to me."


There was no answer.

I couldn't take her giving me the silent treatment, so I thought of doing something that would probably get me to the hospital.


Going out to the backyard I scavenged through the wooden little house in the backyard to find what I was looking for: the ladder.

Taking the 16 feet ladder and gently motioning it to stand against Jay's window I slowly and nervously climbed up. I won't go into the details between me and the ladder. Let's just say it's not a pretty picture.

Finally reaching her window, I opened it and then swung my foot inside as well as my other foot. Making sure to do it ever so quietly to not wake Jay up. Now I realized she was sleeping the whole time. A perfectly good explanation for why she didn't respond to any of my recent wails of plea. Quickly as I can I slid into her bed making sure she didn't wake up in the process. She was under the sheets in this grey sweater and some shorts. She looked so beautiful, not in the I wanna take you right now kind of way, but in a peaceful everyday kind of way. I swung my arm over Jay making sure there wasn't any space between us. I missed her. Even if it was for a short while I missed her. Her smell, her laugh, her eye roll. I missed her. And just her.

I didn't want to ruin the moment so I said it as quietly as possible

"I'm so sorry." There was sincerity in every word even if there're only 3 words.

"It's OK." Jay said, eyes still closed.

To be honest, I didn't quite expect it but there wasn't any other way I wanted to end the day with Jay.

Funny, it rhymed.


Finally updated. I'm so sorry, but I hope this is long enough, and I know it's a bit rushed so sorry >< I'll make it up to you guys on the next chapter.


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