Chapter 42

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After my speech, no one dares to speak. Alarick is not able to look me in the eye.

"Alarick, the best thing for us would be to separate," I tell him.

My words make him look up. "What do you mean?" He questions with confusion.

"I think we should take a break from our relationship. Let's not be mates for a while. Let's just be neighbours," I explain.

"You don't want us to be mates?" He asks with teary eyes.

"Not for a while," I reply.

"And when can we be mates again?"

"When there is trust and honesty between us. Let's give time to our relationship. Let's stay away from each other," I tell him. Before Alarick can say anything, I interrupt him, "Alarick, I've never asked you for anything. But now, I am. I want time. I want distance. Can't you give me these things?"

He opens his mouth to speak but shuts it. His eyes are shedding tears. I control my hands from reaching out to him to wipe his tears.

He nods as he wipes his tears away. He doesn't say anything to me and just walks away.

Matt quickly comes to stand beside me and asks, "What are you doing? Why aren't you stopping him?"

I face him and say, "Because I want him to stay away from me."

"You've taken a wrong decision, Chriselda," he says.

"I know what I'm doing," I tell him and go to my room. I shut the door behind me and sit on my bed. I don't know why I'm not in pain as much as Alarick was in pain with my decision. I don't know why I'm not hurting the way he was hurting. I don't know why I'm not crying. I thought that I'll feel miserable but I don't. Maybe that's because I know that the only way to save our relationship would be to give it time.

Charles' Point Of View

After Alan had rushed inside the pack house and told us everything that had happened, Alarick had immediately left to talk to Chriselda. I had told Alan to go home while Daniel and I waited for Alarick to return.

When he had finally returned to the pack house, he had his eyes on the floor.

"What happened?" I ask him.

"Chriselda wants time and distance," he replies as he looks at me.

"Have you been crying?" I ask as I notice his red puffy eyes.

He gives out a bitter laugh. "Is it too obvious?"

Daniel puts a hand on his shoulder and says gently, "Alarick, what happened?"

Alarick starts telling us what happened when he visited Chriselda and all the things that she said. When he's done, silence falls in the living room.

Daniel breaks the silence when he speaks, "Don't worry, Alarick. Time will make everything alright."


Chriselda's Point Of View

It's been a month since I last saw Alarick. I was too busy managing my pack that didn't leave me time to think about him. In all, I was fine. Matt and Darius didn't interfer in my decisions. When I was not busy with my pack, I was spending time with Mom, Christina and Ciara. It felt really good that life was back to normal, just the way it was before Alarick. I was enjoying this carefree life.

Since I stopped going to Alarick's pack and since he stopped coming to my pack, people started wondering what was going on between us. I didn't pay much attention to their gossip. But I always used to wonder about Joshua. I have rarely seen him. He hasn't come across me. He hasn't been bothering me. I haven't heard about him scheming against me. What is he up to?

I think it's time for me to pay him a visit.

After informing Matt, I head towards my cousin's place. After reaching and knocking at the door, the man himself answers. He invites me inside with a fake smile.

"Make yourself at home," he says as he gestures for me to sit. Once we are seated, he asks sarcastically, "To what do I owe the pleasure, your highness?"

I chuckle, "I'm glad that you still have your sense of humour."

"It makes me happy to have the ability to make you laugh," he says.

I ignore his mock tone and ask, "So, how have you been? How's life?"

He raises his eyebrow. "You've come here to ask me this?" He laughs, "You're here to chat with me?"

"Why do you find it so hard to believe? Can't I have a chat with you? You're my cousin after all. "

He suppresses his laughter and says, "So, you've finally remembered that you have a cousin."

"How can I forget a cousin like you who acts like my enemy?" I ask in return.

My words wipe the smile off his face.

"I'm not your enemy."

"Says the one who has always called me an unfit leader."

"I don't shy away from saying the truth."

"You mean to say that women are unfit to be leaders?"

Joshua shakes his head. "Don't play the woman card. I've got nothing against women being leaders. I believe in equality-"

I laugh, "Really?"

"It's you that I don't believe in."

"Joshua, I've fought many leaders and have proved my worth. The proof is in front of you. I can't do anything when you're blinded by the hatred you have for me."

"Of course I hate you! I have reasons to hate you! You took away my right of becoming a Beta!"

"It isn't my fault!" I scream back at him.

"My father was the elder brother! He should've been made the Beta!"

By now, both of us are on our feet.

I calmed myself. "Uncle didn't want to become the Beta and that's why the title was passed on to my Dad. After he died, the title was passed on to me. It was a fair decision."

"It wasn't fair! When you were training to take over the Beta position, my Dad was made the Beta! When he stepped down, I should've been made the Beta! But you ruined everything for me!"

"I cannot believe that we are still fighting over a position. Joshua, we are family."

"I'm fighting for my right!"

"How long will you continue to fight with me like this?" I ask.

"Until I get what I deserve."

"You think you deserve to be the Beta?"

"Of course!" He exclaims in arrogance.

"Okay," I nodded to myself. "You think you deserve to be the Beta. Well, you've got to prove it. I challenge you for a combat, Joshua."

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