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Your head felt slightly heavy as you lifted it from the arm rest of your sofa, your living room was dark save for the blue light casting familiar shadows and once you finally sat upright you wondered what had woken you from your slumber. It was late and unsurprisingly you'd fallen asleep in front of the TV yet again. It had become somewhat of a routine, for the last few months, you'd load yourself up with work; days out with friends and family. Anything to keep you busy and your mind from wondering.

Four moderately hard knocks rapped at your door and you snapped your head in the direction of your hallway, the area lit in a pale yellow glow thanks to the lamp you'd forgotten to flick off earlier.

Had that been what woke you?

Tiredly you pulled yourself up and smoothed yourself out into a slightly more presentable state for whoever could be knocking at this hour. Mocha, your seven month old Siamese pawed at the door but stepped out of the way for you to unbolt the apartment door and greet the mystery visitor- pushing her head with a purr against your ankle as she did so.

Your mouth suddenly went dry when you saw who it was on the other side of the threshold. The sight of him made your tongue heavy, preventing you from being able to even say a word.

"YN I ne-ed to speak to you," Yoongi swayed slightly, a sign of his intoxicated state and your heart felt heavy with his condition. He didn't come here because he wanted to; his liquor made him come here for whatever reason.

"There isn't anything to talk about Yoongi, you shouldn't be here," you managed softly, gaze falling down so he couldn't read your expression.

It had been six months since you'd seen the man you believed you'd spend the rest of your life with. The thought of him, the memories you shared were somewhat of a drug to you. You took the metaphorical substance when you were left with nothing else to do; first came the high, yourself becoming euphoric when reminiscing upon the better parts of your relationship, they were so good, but then there was the inevitable comedown. The low from remembering the bad parts of the relationship, where you'd feel bitter jealousy and hatred sometimes from within yourself and sometimes from the millions of fans who worshipped your boyfriend and his group.

The blonde stumbled over his feet trying to reach out for you, Yoongi could hold his liquor pretty damn well so whatever he had must've been pretty strong you imagined. "No, I t-old you YN I need to sp-speak to you," he hiccupped through his sentence and you quickly reached out to steady him when he almost fell sideways into the doorway.

"Yoongi you're drunk," you huffed while pulling his arm over your shoulder and walking him into your apartment. You couldn't just leave him out in the hall for your neighbours to find, you could just bring him in give him some water and call Namjoon or anyone from the group to come and collect him.

"Mm, you smell the exact same," he carelessly let his thoughts out when his head turned towards to you.

Shut up, you idiot. Don't say those things to me.

Upon mentioning it however you couldn't help yourself from slyly taking a deep breath while you stumbled through to the living room. He smelled the same too. Warm. Safe. Familiar. He smelt of everything you missed about him.

Thankfully for your sanity you reached your sofa rather quickly and let him fall into the plush cushioning. "Stay there, I'll get you some water before calling Joonie," you stood a foot back from the couch, eyeing him for just a moment to make sure he wasn't going to pass out or put himself in any kind of danger before deciding he was safe and leaving to collect a cool refreshment and your phone which you'd most likely left on the counter like you usually did to prevent yourself from shamefully trying to keep up and follow what the man that wasn't yours was doing.

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