Hangover Cure (Snippet)

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Snippet Word Count: 1,208
Full Word Count: 1,700

This story has been reworked and expanded as 'Grape' for Fruits of Love, found on my page!


"That's it, baby. One foot in front of the other," your boyfriend's sweet and encouraging voice praised you as you struggled to walk on the paved street.

"Feet hurt," you grumbled with a deep frown set onto your brows.

"You want me to carry you?" He stopped you both and you pouted while shifting your weight from one foot to the other. Damn these high heels for being so cute yet so damn painful to wear, who's idea were they? You needed to talk. Taking your sulking as an answer, Yoongi lead you by the hand to a stone bench just to the left of you and sat you down.

You watched through your hazy vision while he knelt down and undid the tiny buckle. You smiled shyly when his eyes met yours through his dark bangs.

He always made you feel shy, it was as if you reverted to last year when you just had a simple crush on him and he'd catch you not so subtly following him with your eyes, blushing anytime he'd smile back at you.

"You look sleepy, baby," he pointed out after kissing your right kneecap.

"We get to go home and sleep soon," you smiled loonily at the thought of your warm comfy boyfriend wrapped securely around your body while you settled into bed and you suddenly felt invigorated.

"That's right baby, we just have to get a taxi home and then you can go right to bed," he answered with his back to you as he lowered himself. Having done this routine plenty of times you didn't even have to think before you were standing up and helping yourself onto his back. "Ready?"

"Ready," you confirmed with your chin resting on his shoulder and your arms loosely draped over his shoulders.

Now that you weren't held back by your stumbling Yoongi made it to the taxi rank way faster than you'd anticipated and in no time you were comfortably sitting with your head on your boyfriends shoulder while you played with his fingers on the ride home.


"Are you comfy, baby? Do you want any more water?" You peeled your eyes open to blink up at him tiredly.

"Big spoon," was all you grumbled at him before turning away and pulling the sheets further over your head until you felt Yoongi move along too and curl himself against your back. The warmth of his chest soaked through your (his) t-shirt and instantly began to distract from the spinning in your head.


It was just turning to day light when you were woken up by a terrible throbbing in your head and a swift kick to the gut from your old friend 'nausea'. You lurched upright, out of your sleeping boyfriends hold and stumbled the fastest b-line you could to the adjoining bathroom where you almost instantly started to wretch into the toilet bowl.

"Baby? You poor thing, let me get some water," Yoongi sighed and you could hear his bare feet slapping lightly against the tiled floor. A cupboard closed, the tap ran briefly and then you were put to ease when you felt Yoongi kneel down beside you and rub your back. You would have relished in the feeling of his warm hand on your ice cold body if it hadn't been for the new bout of nausea and the acidic taste traveling up your gullet. "It's okay. I'm here," he soothed you while making his way to hold your hair back from your face.

When you were done you pushed yourself away from the bowl and blindly reached for the button to flush the remains of your alcohol away. "Don't look at me," you croaked at your boyfriend, feeling embarrassed of your state and the thought of the man you loved seeing you in it.

"Babe, you're not well. Let me look after you, here's a damp flannel to clean yourself up," he moved the dark navy material into your view that was directed at your lap and you quickly snatched it away to clean up your face a little. "Now have a drink, it will make you feel better," he urged you gently with his knuckles angling your chin upwards so that he could help you sip the cool refreshing liquid.

"I'm sorry," you mumbled pathetically and in the dim blue light coming through the frosted glass window you could just about make out Yoongi's smile.

"Baby, you're the most important thing in my life. You don't need to apologize for being sick-"

"But it's my fault," you whined, leaning over to drop your head to his chest. "I drunk too much."

"We were celebrating, no one can blame you. Now let me do your teeth and get you into bed," he cooed shortly before kissing the crown of your head and then helping you up to sit on the closed toilet seat.

"My head hurts," you pouted with your eyes closed after figuring out that total darkness was the only thing making your pounding headache slightly more manageable.

"I know baby, I'll give you some painkillers in just a minute," he kissed your forehead gently before leaving you to get your toothbrush. You let him pry your jaw open with gentle hands and stayed as still as possible while he brushed your teeth for you, before long he was getting you to rinse your mouth out and then tucking you back into bed.

"Will you come back to cuddle me?" You asked quietly after he'd fed you some painkillers.

"Of course I will baby, I'll rub your tummy how you like," he smiled reassuringly and you nodded as you wrapped yourself tighter in the covers. "Baby, Wake up, I have something for you to eat," Yoongi coaxed you from the darkness of sleep and when you blinked yourself awake he was setting a tray down onto the nightstand.

"Food? I can't eat," you grumbled and Yoongi placed himself on the edge of the mattress beside you.

"It's cheesy baked beans on toast," he sang the words lightly and it instantly caught your attention. He knew that cheesy baked beans on toast was your favourite hangover food. "You need to eat to line your stomach, and then you can go back to sleep," he instructed and you nodded lazily while you pushed yourself up.

"Thank you," you mumbled after the first mouthful hit your stomach but instead of saying anything further that could distract you from eating he simply smiled and shook his head.

It took less time than you'd expected to finish the plate and although you were a little sad that you didn't have more to eat you felt full, warm and thoroughly sedated. All you needed now was to lay back and enjoy your boyfriends warmth.

"Cuddle time," you announced happily and although it was quiet you could still hear the sweet sound of his breathy chuckle.

"Come here, beautiful," he instructed while bringing you close to his chest.

"You're the best," you sighed, tiredly, and he dipped his head to kiss your temple before his large hand found your stomach and rubbed soothing patterns through the fluffy pajama top you'd changed into. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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