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The day was almost over, and I couldn't wait to get home to a nice cold beer, and my leftover McDonald's from lunch. I was walking around the gym to make sure everything was where it needed to be. I was walking past the bleachers when I saw someone sitting down behind them. He looked like he was either crying or in physical pain. I sighed and walked over to him. I placed a gentle had on his shoulder getting the kid's attention. He looked up at me, it was Carl.

"Hey kid. You wanna talk about whatever's goin on with you?" I asked as I sat down next to him. Carl shook his bead and tucked a loose bit of hair behind his ear. 

"I don't want to, but I have to at some point right? Even if it's with my gym teacher." He said, his eyes glued to the floor. I stayed silent, waiting for him to start crying, or ranting or whatever it was he needed to do. Carl took a huge deep breath and then another.

"My dad's been in a coma for a year today... His name is Rick Grimes. He's a sheriff's deputy. He and his partner Daryl were on a car chase and my dad got shot twice. Once in the vest and then again in the shoulder. He blacked out on the scene, and if I remember correctly he even flat lined once... The doctors have tried to get me and my stepmom to take him off of life support so many times. Michonne just won't let them and neither will I-" Carl's voice cracked and his eyes were filling with tears. He let them fall for what was probably the first time in a long time.

"My sisters only memories of our dad are of him in the hospital, asleep, and unresponsive." He said, almost choking on his words, his voice trembling the whole time.

"Damn kid.. I'm sorry." I said. Carl sniffed and whipped his tears away with the back of his hand. Carl didn't say anything he just looked at the ground. I sighed, I didn't really know how to comfort him, but I wanted to. I gently squeezed his shoulder and sighed.

"I know it doesn't seem like it now kid,  but I promise it will get better, who fuckin knows, he might wake up when you go see him next." I said, trying to make him feel even slightly better. Carl just shrugged slightly and nodded. I sighed and took my hand off of his shoulder.

"Ill see ya tomorrow kid, okay?" I said as I stood up. As I was walking away I quickly turned back around. "Hold on, do you need a ride?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. Carl looked up and thought for a second before nodding.

"Can you drop me off at the hospital?" he asked, standing up hastily. I nodded and started walking out, Carl close behind me. I lead him out of the building and to my gray suv. We got in and I drove down the series of highways and roads that lead to the hospital.

I parked close to the building and unlocked the door. Carl looked at me, and then at his hands. I looked back at him and but my lip as I thought of something to say to the hurting boy.

"He'll be happy to see ya kid." I said. Carl looked up at me and smiled sadly.

"I wish he could see me." he said quietly. Carl opened his door and grabbed his back, slinging it over his shoulder. "Thanks for the ride coach Negan." Carl said before closing the door and walking away. I watched him as he walked into the hospital, making sure he got there okay before pulling out if my parking spot.

I drove home in silence, quiet rock music the only sound. I got home around five at night. I parked my suv in the garage and got out. I walked into the house and heard my German shepard, lab, and pitbull mix, Gunner bark.

"Hey buddy." I said as I kicked my shoes off. Gunner ran up to me and jumped, his laws on my chest. He had the body of a lab, tail, ears, nose, fur length, and color of a German shepard, and the head of a pit. His fur was in large patches of German shepard colored fur and white, he got that from his dad, the pit. Gunner was a beautiful dog, he was almost four now, and he helped me through the divorce for sure. I walked into the kitchen and filled up his dog bowl, and his water bowl.

After that was dine I walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer. I walked into the living room,and sat on the couch, turning on the tv. Gunner jumped up on the couch and curled up next to me, his head resting in my lap. I rested my hand on top of his soft head and scratched his favorite spot behind his ear. Gunner she his leg, causing me to smile down at him.

If it weren't for Gunner, I don't think I would've been able to handle the divorce. I would've lost my mind, gone out to bars everynight, quit my job and move to Vegas. It would've been a huge mess if It weren't for him. I got about two years before Lucille filed for divorce. I found him,in the side of the rode. He was probably less than a week old at that time. I physically couldn't just leave him there, so I took of the sweater I was wearing, wrapped him in it and drove down to the vet's office.

They took him into a room right away, Becuase they weren't sure if he was gonna last the night. He was very cold when I found him. The doctor, Dr. Greene looked him over and told me he would live, if I was willing to fight for him. I had to keep him in a warm environment until his body temperature got to where it was supposed to be, I had to bottle feed him until he was ready for soft foods, and the worst part. I had to wake up every two fucking hours to feed the little shit.

After all that I guess you could say Gunner and I have a special bond. He's my buddy and I wouldn't trade him for anything else on this fucking earth. I liked my dog more than I liked Monty percent of the people I knew.

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