4. Part 1: Planets

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Indigo's P.O.V.

Welp, art was terrible. Once a calm class had just become as loud as my school's detention. Don't ask me how I know this, you probably know the answer knowing how I act around Anna. Other than that, Ryland was silent for awhile, before talking about his favorite planet, Venus, then asked me about my favorite, which I haven't really thought about before.

"Don't know." I said, "But it would probably have to be Saturn."

"Why?" he asked

"I'm not sure, but I think it is because how unique it looks."



"What's up sis?" my brother Ty asked me once I got home

"Nothin' much" I said twirling the string on his sweater that I was wearing

"Still wearing my hoodies huh?"


"What happened to you Indigo, ever since... you know, you haven't been acting like your usual self."

"Can you blame me? The kids at my school are real jerks.I would do anything to go to a different school."

"Sorry Eggo, you know I can't really help you with that." Eggo was the nickname that he gave me when I was 7. First it was Indi, now it's Eggo.

"You know I don't like being called that." I gave him the death glare which he ignored completely.

  "Alright well you need to finish your homework then."

"Ha. Fat chance that that's going to happen."


"... Do I have to?"


The last thing anyone wants to do: Homework. The nuance of our existence. Hours, no, DAYS worth of time waited on practicing or reviewing something that you've learned in class. The last thing you would want to do when you've experienced something tragic. I still remember what that teacher said in front of the whole classroom: 'Just because your mother died doesn't mean that's an excuse for not doing your work. You act like it's something that such a big deal!

attention seeker!'       


Sorry this chapter was short. I have a plot to this story but I don't know how to transition to it.  I think of it as kind of like a continuous occurring event of writers block . Also sorry that I haven't been updating. A lot of stuff has been happening all at once and I guess I needed a break. 

Anyways, I hope you have a swell day 

-Samathazderp :P 

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