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      I had never seen so many pretty girls in one room. Today was the fifth day of band camp, and it was time to practice with the dancers. Everyone sat on the gym floor talking and laughing with their instruments in hand. I looked around the room, just noticing how giant the band was. I would never learn everyone's name. A loud whistle blew, taking me out of my thoughts. The rookie drum major, Myles, removed the whistle from his mouth. "Today we have the auxiliary practicing with us as we learn the dance routine. Ladies, come introduce themselves." From the back of the dancers emerged the girl from Mr. B's office.
      She was the prettiest of them all. Light skin with a short, wavy bob and a body built like a goddess. I couldn't help but be a little jealous now knowing that this is his type. She flashed a pearly white smile before speaking. "Hey guys, I'm Kennedy Turner, head captain of Golden Delight's dance unit." I looked at Mr. B who was already looking at me. But this time I didn't look away, instead I wanted to see what he would do. He continued to stare for a few seconds until he was called to speak as he introduced the twirlers and flag girls. As soon as he finished, we were instructed to stand up, and learn our dance routine.


"...sis, I don't know how you do it." "I'm doing it because I love marching band and seeing this band perform made me want to be a part of it" I responded, sitting my phone upright so I could view the FaceTime video better. My best friend, Loren, rolled her eyes. "They're basically hazing you, and you want to stay? You're a good one." "It's not hazing" I told her, "if the whole section gets punished, it's perfectly fine apparently." A knock came from the door. Please don't be Jada. I was in the practice room on the phone when I was supposed to have IP. "Come in" I said. Mr. B opened the door, and I instantly hung up on Loren.
"So, this is your idea of IP?" he asked, coming in and shutting the door behind him. "I was just taking a break" I lied, picking up my clarinet. "So you won't mind playing some pieces for me?" I gulped. Hopefully, he wasn't expecting much. "Yeah...sure." He shut the door and sat down next to him. Why were the practice rooms so small? I could literally feel his breath on me. Just as he asked, I went through the songs, messing up every now and then. Once I finished the hype mix mashup, I looked at him for affirmation.
      "How was it?" I asked. "Pretty good." "Not perfect like the Great Mr. B strives for?" I said without thinking and instantly regretting my words. But his response was far from offended; instead, he chuckled. "Is that how everyone sees me?" I relaxed. "Kinda. The females seem to love it. All they talk about is how cute you are." "What do you think?" "About what?" "Me being cute." I shrugged. "You're alright." He leaned in. "Just alright?" I felt myself leaning in as well. He closed the gap, our lips touching in a soft kiss. My heart beat hard against my chest, it seemed like a dream. Voices outside the door made me pull away.
      I need more of him.

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