Chapter II

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I was staying at the edge of my bed. Waiting.... FOR JOSEPH TO GET OUT OF BATHROOM. God, what was he doing there?! He was staying there for ages!
After the dinner, that was delicious, by the way, the black-cloaked figure required us to pick a random a note from a basket. On my piece of paper was written "survivor", whatever on earth that mean. On Joseph was written "hunter". That made me a bit nervous because, in usual cases, hunters hunt survivors, because that's why they are called hunters. And survivors are called survivors because they are surviving the hunt of the hunters. But Joseph told me that I don't need to worry, we will be friends no matter what. Yeah, we are friends now, isn't that great!? The the cloaked figure allocated us two in a room. I was picked to stay with Joseph. And now I was happy out of my skin.
*knock knock*
I opened the door. In front of it was the black-cloaked figure with a cup of tea.
-Where is the other one?
-Joseph? Oh, in the bathroom, why?
-Give him this, and the creature put the cup of tea in my hands.
-Um, okay?
I went to the bathroom door and knock. Joseph opened the door. He was wet. I mean, he was wearing his original suit but his hair was so wet that it hung down because of the weight of the water. He was still beautiful..... I helped myself not to stare at his shimmering face anymore and I gave him the cup of tea.
-The cloaked guy gave me this. He told me it is for you.
-Oh, thanks. Don't you want a sip?he offered me.
I could not help but notice that he held the cup handle with his little finger away. Man, this guy was so mannered.
-No.. No, thanks, enjoy your tea.
-Okay, I will be done in a second, I just need to dry my hair.
-Sure, no problem, I will wait.
I shut the door. Hu...... Every time I saw him it was just like a my heart start pumping 100x faster. It would be less painful and less amazing if it jumped out of my chest and start running circles. Every time I saw him I descovered how perfect he was and how imperfect I was. I was staying again on the edge of bed when I heard something that broke my heart in hundreds of people eces. A scream. A scream full of pain. Coming from bathroom. Joseph's scream. I stand up so fast that I started to feel dizzy. I rushed to the door and opened it so quickly that I slammed it against the wall. Joseph was lying on the floor kneeling at his knees, holding his head with his hands the sink, the empty cup of coffee broken into pieces with a few splashes scattered on the white sandstone. I picked a drop on my finger and touched it with the tip of my tongue. A terrible headache blurred my conscience.
-What did they put in this tea...,I whispered.
-Don't worry, buddy, we will...
Before I could say "figure it out" black mist clouds start to cover Joseph. I panicked. What was happening?! His skin became grey, nearly white, his eyes completely dark, his clothes, same, black cracks began to appear on his skin. This all dissapiered like a shadow. But now....
-Your eyes...
They were completely blue, an ice blue. He stopped from screaming and raised his head. Now he was calm. He was fierce calm. He gave me a disgusted glare.
-Who are you?
-Wait..? what....? You don't remember me...? I am Aesop....
-Are you a survivor?
-What, I told you, yeah... But why..
He standed up and take his sword out ( from where did he get that sword?!)
He threw it to my chest but I fled and the sword was polluted in the wall. I ran out of the bathroom and from bedroom into the hallway, Joseph was running after me.
-HELP, I shout.
I descended from the staircase as fast as I could. I jumped on the maple table. I took a sword from a decoration on the wall: two crossed swords. Joseph jumped on the table two. We started dueling. I didn't put a hand on a sword in my life but he was a master. From three moves he desarmed me. I lost my balance and fall on the floor. My head start spinning. Joseph was above me. With a triuphant smile he was preparing to stab the sword into my chest when he rolled his eyes and fell unconscious on the floor. I looked shocked at the seringe that was stabbed in Joseph's neck. I raised my eyes and saw the black-cloaked figure standing above me. He gave me his hand. I didn't take. I managed to stand up on my own. I pointed a finger at him.
The figure didn't answered me. He just starred at me with his blank stare and said:
-A game isn't a game without negative characters.
Then it hit me. It hit me like a brick wall. The tickets. Hunter. Survivor. I needed to survive. And Joseph needed to hunt. Then I realised:
This is not a game. This. Is. A massacre.

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