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A few days after the funeral it was time for Trisha, Penny and Ryan to go back to school. To face more judgement and name calling from their peers. Just as the bell rang Penny's phone was ringing, it was Alex calling from prison. She picked up the phone, "Alex, stop calling me to try and persuade me to be on your side, for all I know you could've killed Tina!" She hissed and hung up the phone, as she did she looked up and saw a teacher briskly walking over to her. "Strict instructions, none of you are to have mobile phones. Come with me." He said before escorting her to the office. "Why?" Penny asked "We're gunna have to call the police so they can find out who called you." The teacher replied as he continued to march her along the corridors past Trisha and Ryan who were stood outside their class.

Penny sat in the office for a while before Tim, the lead detective in Tina's murder case came through the door with 2 officers with him. "You can't question me without an appropriate adult present." Penny hissed before Tim could even say anything. "Wow, someone has been reading up on their rights whilst being detained." He chuckled. "Look, to save your time it was Alex on the phone, he called me last night begging me to prove his innocence and that he didn't kill Tina, he called me again this morning but I said I didn't want him calling me and hung up." Penny admitted it would work in her favour. "Right, well I think we need to have a little chat with Alex again, until then we will need you to come to the station with us to tell us all of this with your parents present." Tim smiled being somewhat nice. "Am I in trouble?" Penny spoke innocently, Tim leaned in close to her "Well, that depends on what you tell us at the station, keep telling the truth like what you just have and I don't see why you can't go home tonight." He grinned, it was all technique to get any information to lead him further to finding out who killed Tina.

Just as Tim arrives at the station with Penny one of his colleagues stops him, "Boss, a word?" He says as Tim stops walking. "Make it quick, you take Penny to her parents." Tim instructs to his officers as he walks into his colleagues office. "What is it, I'm a busy man." Tim exclaims. "We've been interviewing more people who were at the party the night Tina was murdered. 5 witnesses all back up the idea shortly before Tina was stabbed she was seen outside arguing with Trisha, also some people saw her having a heated discussion with Lewis, the boy who hosted the party, just after she arrived that night." The man spoke, "A few new leads that could get us somewhere." He added. "Great work! I'll interview Penny, go and get Trisha and this Lewis boy maybe they can tell us what these heated conversations were about." Tim grinned before walking down to the interview room where Penny was left.

School had finished and Trisha and Ryan left the school at complete opposite ends, too scared to even get within a foot of each other before being accused of talking. "Trisha?" An officer asked as he sat in his car outside the school gates, "Yeah?" Trisha replied hesitantly. "Mind accompanying us to the station? Your mother is meeting you there." He said. "I guess I can't really say no." Trisha rolled her eyes before getting into the back of the police car and driving to the station. "Right, we'll be in touch." Tim said as he said goodbye to Penny and her parents as they were leaving the interview room. Trisha and Penny locked eyes on each other but didn't dare say a word. "Ahh, Trisha, thank you for coming, just a few questions." Tim greeted her before she walked past Penny and went into the interviewing room. "Trisha, numerous witnesses have said they saw you and Tina arguing shortly before Tina was murdered, why didn't you tell us this during your first interview." Tim asked. "I didn't think it was relevant." Trisha replied bluntly. "Well, it doesn't look good on you when you don't tell us you argued with the victim shortly before she was killed, it makes you look like a prime suspect." Tim raised his eyebrows. "I didn't say anything because I didn't want the blame to be pointed at me. Yes me and Tina argued before she was killed, but it was over something completely petty, she kissed a boy I liked, I was angry so I argued with her and that was it." Trisha blurted. "When did Tina kiss this boy?" Tim asked as Trisha gulped. "That night, at the party." She said knowing that things weren't looking good for her. "See, what I think happened Trisha was that after this heated conversation you went into the kitchen, grabbed a knife and proceeded to stab Tina." Tim said trying to draw a confession. "Well firstly that's false, secondly how could I manage to cut the lights?" Trisha replied trying to clear her name. "Well maybe that's what you could tell me, come on Trisha if it was you and you confess now you stand a chance of being out in a few decades, you'll still be young!" Tim said hoping that she would confess. "Why would I do that when I didn't do it!" Trisha sneered before Tim slouched back in his chair, no step closer to finding out who killed Tina.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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