Unfortunate Lack of Sex Life

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Samuel was getting nervous. This wasn't exactly what he thought he was signing up for. On paper it sounded great. A Female all to himself. No trace of other Loopers for miles.

In reality, he was bored out of his mind. Alice spend more than ten hours a day at work. She had told Earl that was why she didn't have a dog. And that made sense, but now here he was. It would be easier if he was a dog and needed seventeen hours of sleep a day, but he got by just fine on six.

And he was already getting tired on the salmon and sweet potato kibble he had picked out.

Sure, it tasted different in this form, but he missed eating as a human.

Plus she smelled good.

Oh god! She smelled so good.

And she scratched his ears and rubbed his back and basically massaged her scent into him. It was like heaven.

He was pretty sure, if he rolled over, she would rub his belly.

Which was a whole other layer of awkward. His dick had already dropped involuntarily twice and he'd only been here a few days. He had to wait until she was out of the apartment to lick himself. The last thing he wanted was for her to suddenly have to face the idea of werewolves because he shifted to combat form as he came.

So far his day had been:

She gets up, has coffee, feeds him kibble. She goes for a ten mile cross country run with the far end of the loop reaching to the very edge of her territory, where it bumps up against the turf of a very, very old Looper. Just the smell of the guy made Sam's tail tuck between his legs. When she gets home, she has a shower. Then she makes breakfast, packs her lunch and goes to work for at least ten hours.

At which point Sam has nothing to do. Generally, he jerks off a couple of times, making sure to clean up after himself. Then he watches TV for a while, does his sit ups, push ups, squats and dips. He has a shower and another wank.

Which leaves him with another four hours before she gets home.

He doesn't have clothes or a key, so he can't leave the apartment. He has to stay away from the windows.

Honestly, he started trying to subtly tidy up a little just to have something to do. He was being sneaky, though. He didn't do all the laundry. He was careful to make sure there was still some in the hamper. He washed the sheets, then put the same ones back on the bed. He didn't move anything, he just dusted carefully around everything. He left her fingerprints on the fridge.

When she got home from work, she generally had another shower to wash the stink of hospital off of her. Then she would feed the dog, make supper, take him for a walk. Then leave him in the apartment while she ran errands.

Except for when she came home Sunday morning. That time she didn't eat or wash before crawling into bed still in someone else scrubs. That had made him nervous. Then she called him up on the bed and cuddled him. Which was a whole different level of alarming.

She smelled like work and stress and someone else's laundry soap. Not sexy at all. She hadn't eaten enough and he could smell hunger and dehydration. In that moment, she was not a happy and cared for Female. It had been a really bad night for Sam.

Then in the morning, she still didn't eat but went for a run.

Which is how he ended up standing between a Female that smelled like she was being abused and a very angry elder Looper.

That hadn't been in the job description at all.

He was pretty sure if she hadn't chosen that exact moment to say 'good boy,' he would have be shredded by the elder.

Fuck that guy was big. Sam had to talk fast to get the guy to stand down. He was honestly surprised it had worked. Alice had spend the night before holding him, so Sam stank like her hunger and distress.

And Alice was so afraid. Even when they got home, she was still shaking as the fear and adrenaline drained away.

God, that was the last thing he wanted to see from a Female. He was supposed to take care of her.

But he couldn't. Not like this. He didn't have a cell phone and Alice didn't have a landline, so he couldn't even check in or call for backup.

God damn it! He was in so much trouble!

He wasn't quite sure why she said he was a bad guard dog today, but he certainly didn't feel deserving of a Female. The way things were going, he was just making it worse.


She came back from taking out the garbage. She had gone to the store and bought a bag of salad and a roast chicken. The chicken was making his mouth water. Fuck. Be a good dog and lay on the carpet in the living room, he told himself. She ate at the kitchen table. After a few moments she called him over and started hand feeding him little bits of chicken. It was such a nice change from kibble. He used it as an excuse to spend extra time licking her fingers.

She ate with a knife and fork. He ate with her fingers. Fuck that was hot. Yeah, Sam decided, he could get into this submissive thing.

When she was done, she washed her hands, cleared her plate and packed up the rest of the chicken. She filled his bowl with kibble, then disappeared into her bedroom while he was eating. When he finished, he went to find her. The bedroom door was closed tight. He whined and pawed at the door.

"Fuck off!" came the startled reply.

Sam whimpered and lay down. With his nose on the floor at the crack under her door, he could smell her touching herself. Jesus Christ. He was not prepared for that. Oh, god! She smelled so good! And if he was quiet he could hear every little grunt, every slurp. He whimpered again. He was so hard right now, it was physically painful. And he couldn't even lick to take the edge off. If he came, he would change and he couldn't let her see him like that.

By the time Alice came with a gasp, a crunch, and a little cry, Sam was a quivering, drooling mess on the floor outside of her door.

Four days down.

Twenty six to go.

Damn it. This was going to be a long month.

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