Maybe Part 11

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Random Alice add on (just gauging interest on Wattpad, Discord has been pushing for this.  This is one case where comments will make a difference as to whether I continue or not):

William wasn't planning on staying at Haven very long. His pack had just been through a messy divorce. He wasn't looking to get remarried. He clearly couldn't keep a Ulfurinn happy.

Honestly, he just started helping Alice with her ironing because it was something to do. Something decidedly unsexy to do. It wasn't heavy eye contact and innuendos in the kitchen with Rosemary. It wasn't helping Olivia shop for furniture for an entire seven bedroom mansion that hadn't been built yet. It was just mindless ironing.

And holy fuck was there ever a lot of ironing. The little pieces were maybe two inches across, had six sides to be ironed flat and there were about a million of them. Enough to make a California King quilt. But he was sharing the ironing station with a burly luper with a beautiful bass voice who kept talking to him about benile things like spray starch. Will was happy to iron and keep his voice low while keeping the conversation going, drawing on topics from the talk radio station Alice kept playing in the background.

Will always felt that he was at a bit of a disadvantage in the luper dating game. He was in his seventies, he wasn't that old. Not when lupers could live indefinitely. It took a catastrophic injury to kill one. At seventy-two, he has practically a baby. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that he looked like he was in his fifties. The suspected favourite for the Ulfurinn looked like a college football star. All chiseled and glowing with the bloom of youth.

If that was what she was after, he didn't have a chance.

"It will be James and Sam," he whispered one day when they were both filling their irons with water at the same time. "I don't fit that ... aesthetic."

Drew really looked at him for the first time. "You never know. Daddy kink turns up in unexpected places."

Will just snorted, "That would only work if I was a top."



"We could always discuss that after dinner. Maybe over a beer?"

William smiled a little at that.

That night they were sitting on the porch and Drew put his hand on Will's thigh. He sighed softly. He would be happy getting a couple of really good poundings out of the deal before he was assigned to another pack.

"I have question," Drew admitted.

"I bet," Will teased. "I'm willing to trade answers."

Drew looked out at the mountains as he took a swig of his beer, leaving his had lazily draped between Will's legs.

"You ever fuck a guy before you were infected?"

"No," Will admitted honestly. "I was married. I had kids. They grew up, I got divorced. I took a job a game warden to get away from the city. I was tracking unlicenced hunters. I was unlucky enough to find them. Full luper orgy. After I had seen that, they couldn't let me leave." He hesitated then asked, "How about you?"

Drew shook his head, "Never even looked at one. But after a decade of jerking off alone, any hole started sounding good." They sat in silence for a while. "Ever been with an ulfurinn?"

Will nodded, "My pack had one for almost a year. Sweet girl. My alpha wasn't that good at being married and she left. I was hoping she would take me with her, but it didn't work out that way. The pack fell apart after that. Everyone blamed everyone else and the in fighting started. You?"

"Shit. How long have you been a luper?"

"About twenty years. You now owe me two answers."

Drew looked at him and narrowed his eyes, "If you sass me, I will spank you," he threatened.

Will shrugged and took another drink of his beer. "I haven't agreed to be your bottom let. Answer the question."

Drew drained his drink and stood up. "No," he said quietly and went inside.

Will hung his head, "Well, shit."


The next day Drew didn't say anything to him for the first hour of the day. James was helping Alice organize her honeycombs. Yeah, that boy was in. Two of the others who had been helping didn't turn up at her craft station today. That left Sam still diligently cutting little pieces of fabric into smaller pieces of fabric and him and Drew doing the ironing. He idly thought about asking Sam to switch, but the boy was clearly already in Alice's good books. It would be unhelpful if he did anything to upset the luper.

So he focused on very carefully pressing ¼" seam allowance into each piece.

"I owe you an answer," Drew said softly.

"Favourite position with another luper," Will ask without even blinking.

Drew lean over so his lips were only a seam allowance from Will's ear, "I would have you on your back with you folded so far in half, your knees are at your ears. I would fuck you so hard your thighs were covered in bruises. And you smell like you would beg me for more."

Will went every still even as his cock got very hard.

Drew smirked, "I bet you would lay there with your ass gaping from my knot and wait for the whole rest of the pack to use you as a cum bucket."

Will nodded carefully. "I've done that," he admitted. "I've enjoyed that," he added. He didn't say part of it was because if he took everydrop from everydick in the pack, then when the ulfurinn wanted some, he would be the only one still up to the job.

Drew gently bit Will's earlobe. When he pulled away, he saw Alice watching them. He smiled shyly at her. Drew just looked embarrassed at getting caught. At least, Will thought, Alice was new to all of this. There was no way her hearing had developed to the point where she could have heard that.

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